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Everything posted by jmace

  1. Have fun "hiking" Ahh pantheons are alright just not the most friendly rock or access
  2. jmace

    "Chinese Olympics"

    News doesnt report the good stuff, I would bet there is just as much hoopla as any other place. Mexico, Greece, stupid Sea to Sky Highway..im sure the Olympics will be fine
  3. Go to Joffre, theres ice theres rock theres nice straight forward routes for someone of your abilty. Im sure you can find a ride either through bus tours going by or even a greyhound heading North. Zero, Priest, Im gonna bet they are melted out and not what you guys are looking for.
  4. Does this picture he posted help you.. Start off the avy debris..
  5. A single twin folded in half and used as a twin makes a perfect easy alpine setup.
  6. I still cant get over how Reinhard let you head into this place in the sun.
  7. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/800979#Post800979
  8. Ok Cairns so I need to get Zen, maybe whistle and a few breaths...what about if I add 4 pairs of wool socks..would that get me to your level ?
  9. How was the trip Gert ? Gate is not opening, come down crossover Havent really had much heat up high I bet the glacier sticks around for most of the summer
  10. jmace

    road trip tunes

    just phone a car stereo store and ask, most new cars have the jack in glove compartment. You can then hook you phone too it as well and have hands free via the car stereo..you know 21st century type stuff
  11. jmace

    road trip tunes

    isnt that impossible..? tune radio play ipod add input jack plug mp3, think its like 30$ to have jack installed
  12. jmace

    best vacation ever?

    I am going back to the Dolomites for two weeks then I am goin to Morrocco where me and two buddies have three DRZ 400's for ten days. We plan to ride through the Atlas mountains then along te Algeria border then to Agadir for some surfing, then fly back to Barcelona then to Amsterdam rounding out a 31+ day trip Of course the climbing trip is two weeks in the waddington area coming up shortly... 6 weeks this year suckas..all starts in two more weeks yeeehaa!!
  13. Pretty much as gay as you can get
  14. I love borderline, climbed it for the second time on Saturday and that offwidth, thanks for the bolts (3)! I jammed it both times now im told if I want it to feel 10a I should lieback it..hahaha. Wish you would have put a bolted station on top though, quite cramped quarters. anyways awesome route!!!
  15. Awesome I saw you guys working it last year, is this the route that starts basically directly across from the rappel exscape from Angels crest ? if it is man thats steep stuff Kayfire, precendent...umm pretty sure there are quite a few bolted offwidths in squamish
  16. jmace

    Miss Washington

    You mean cause we dont have Coors lite ?
  17. jmace

    Miss Washington

    I live and work downtown...probably a good idea to give it a rest, plus with the sunny weekend ahead I need to save my "juice"
  18. jmace

    Miss Washington

    10 - 7 for this boy
  19. jmace

    Miss Washington

    Work, cant play on the weekend if I dont work..but when I am off I will be heading to the nearest watering hole to sit back and take numbers.
  20. jmace

    Miss Washington

    Gays, Trannies, sounds like you had quite a traumatic experience..maybe keep that to yourself
  21. jmace

    Miss Washington

    They wear those with heels..even to bed
  22. jmace

    Miss Washington

    Shit, ya you guys probably dont know about lululemon since there is maybe a small percentage of women that could get away with that there. think second skin with no underwear..im not on crack, I just got back from lunch and its FRICKIN INSANE OUT THERE
  23. jmace

    Miss Washington

    compared to what...Washington, are you crazy ? We made Lululemon man we create that shit...why cause we have women that can wear it.. Hey man if you come here and all you take away is gay flags then maybe you should check your head, cause you gots problems.
  24. jmace

    Miss Washington

    Maybe only Montreal has us beat, and mainly cause they are so free and easy there, here you do have to work a bit
  25. jmace

    Miss Washington

    Hey you guys can continue to mire in your filth or you can come live the dream..no rainbow flags here suckas
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