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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. Google Maps now has Cheneys Eagles Nest unscrambled ::
  2. Mal_Con

    This makes me ...

    Wel-come to Amerika.
  3. New hiking/climbing garb
  4. Heller vs District of Columbia does not address registration in fact the Supremes said the 2nd allows "reasonable regulation" but just prohibits an outright handgun ban like the had in DC. e.g. only criminals and gang bangers can have handguns.
  5. They can just transfer him to prison preferably near NYC "awaiting trial" in the general population.
  6. They can just transfer him to prison preferably near NYC "awaiting trial" in the general population.
  7. If the torturers are guilty of war crimes those who ordered them to do so are also guilty, pack up all the bushies and send them to The Hauge
  8. Mal_Con


    They are reporting O retook the oath today, now on to impeaching Roberts sorry ass.
  9. Mal_Con


    Impeach Roberts ass, the bastard can't even read the oath right when it is written in the constitution and appoint Bill Clinton in his place
  10. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwnqqj5Q1BU
  11. Mal_Con


    I meant for printing although their ink is a bit cheaper. Canon is cheaper than HP or Lexmark because the nozzles are not in the cartridge unfortunately it makes ink quality more of a problem. I trashed a canon printer by refilling. Use a laer for B/W text it is much cheaper.
  12. Mal_Con


  13. One of the definitions of insanity is persisting in the same behavior even after it has been proven to not accomplish anything productive.
  14. That is a disservice to Nero under his leadership Rome was at its most powerful and prosperous. Bush has led us into the greatest economic decline in 70 years and allowed the most serious foreign attack in history on American soil.
  15. Mal_Con

    Exit speech

    No 1/20 is for vintage Krug and real El Cohibas 8D
  16. Mal_Con

    Exit speech

    Sitting here with a glass of 21 year old Balvenie listening to this SOB for the last time as prexy wrapping himself in the flag he dishonored and the soldiers he killed
  17. Ran into a German guy in Nepal who did not believe in vaccines. When he returned to Germany he got very sick and the doctors were baffled for a while turned out he had Typhoid and they had not seen a case since WWII before any were born. Did not change his mind about vaccines though
  18. Mal_Con

    Canoe Advice

    We have been canoeing for over 20 years. The Clippers are good boats and the models you suggested are appropriate you would probably be better off with kevlar particularly if you plan on many portages. Royalex is better for white water. We have an 18' Wenonah Sundowner Canoe 65 lbs in fiberglass which is similar but made in the USA. They are easier to paddle the longer they are. You might also want to consider the Mad River Explorer from Vermont available in kevlar, Royalex and Fiberglass. Usually there are a variety of layups having different weights. Boats last a long time so go for quality.
  19. Yeah right, let Bush do anything he wants then require Obama a 2/3rds super majority to reverse any of the terrible decisions Bush made. Figures it was written by not torture if we do it Yoo and nut case Boulton.
  20. Mal_Con


  21. Mal_Con


    We went sideways in a 727 in Minneapolis Saint Paul once.
  22. Mal_Con

    Bristol and baby

    Due tomorrow and her baby daddies mom just got busted for 6 counts of felony drug offenses, word is they were making and selling crank. We really dodged the bullet.
  23. I think what happens is that gay teens want desperately to prove to themselves or others that they are straight and hook up with the first person they find without precautions, pretty sad actually.
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