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Everything posted by Mal_Con
When I was a kid we had a friend who worked at Hanford he used to bring us Zirconium turnings (for fuel rods). It looked like coarse steel wool, you could light it and it burned with a brilliant white light, once it cot started it was impossible to put out. Later when I worked at the Naval weapons center we used it as an incendiary, that area of Japan is pretty much f*cked Cesium has a half life of 30 years.
That in a nutshell is one of the main reasons I moved North, to give my kids a small chance at a future. The US is rapidly heading for 3rd wold status.
The problem is that in the States the social contract was broken beginning in the 80's. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. It is not just because of the R's the D's starting with Wild Bill and continuing with BO have gone along with the program. Someday there will be hell to play but as someone fare wiser than us once said, "Nobody knows the date". Have fun beyotches.
The Us is descending into 3rd world status. Soon we will be like Somalia where everyone who wants a gun has one and nobody has enough to eat, hope you all enjoy it.
Thanks for posting that we expats in the Great White North do not get MSNBC, I bet Keith is really blasting them, oh yeah
I always said I "went to see Dr. Hill" when I went climbing on sick leave.
Are you sure they are not Fembots.
Strange that all the states that want their own currency are those that are least productive.
The difference is Marx Brothers movies hold up very well to this day, there is nothing funny about the Mariners management.
And has been true since Athens invaded Sicily
Canada avoided the 2008 meltdown because they had tighter regulations on banks than the US. They then spent their stimulus on infrastructure rather than propping up the banks, go figure. It is not great here but a lot better than down south.
This never would have happened if Arizona was an open carry no permit for concealed carry state. OOPs
I programed Eniac with jumpers dumb bitch
The U.S. ceased being a representative democracy on January 21, 2010 the date of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission . From my experience in election campaigns there are about 20% of partisans on each side and maybe 10% of knowledgeable independents. The remaining 50% are persuadable by mass media approaches. Since corporations can spend unlimited amounts and such expenditures are in their interests they will continue to do so. The last election was just a sample of what is to come.There is no real solution possible. We are pretty much screwed.
It is far more profitable to use excess cash to bribe politicians than to spend it on R&D.
The whole thing (especially the Swedish connection) reminds me of the trio of novels written by Stieg Larsson is there any chance that this guy is just a pseudonym of Lisbeth Salander?
No matter how sophisticated the weapon it can do no more than a temporary advantage in an insurgency. Unless you can exterminate the opposition you will fail. They may temporarily fade away but they will be back. It is an impossible task if you are supporting a corrupt puppet. The V-1 and V-2 became terror weapons because the guidance systems of the time were unable to target tactical targets, without nukes they could do no more than piss off the enemy. Afghanistan has been repelling foreigners for millenniums, it is what they do and love. There is no hope
Anyone here ever had an Esspresotini 2 chilled shots of Espresso Kaluha and Vanilla vodka shaken with ice in a martini glass. tasty
What you say is true, of course. Nonetheless the idea of service in return for education has an appeal. While inexperienced the young teachers also bring a lot to the school in the way of outlook and currentness often missing from traditional education.
When I was in Australia you would get your way paid through college if you agreed to teach for two years when you graduated. When you taught you were paid normal wages for a beginning teacher. It seems we could use a similar system here for many professions. You were also free to pay tuition if you did not want the obligation. Doctors there were not paid that much more than teachers.