Kerry claims he flubbed a potshot at Bush by omitting the key words above. A screw up for sure, but hardly a significant driver in this election. It did speak to the larger divide between the 'arrogant' and the 'ignorant', the simpleton's lens through which the far left and far right view each other. As for the big deal the GOP is making of it, that's to be expected from a party that's pissing it's pants searching for something, anything to sell to the electorate. When in doubt, reach for that econo-sized bottle of anti-liberal sentiment.
At least the GOP is defending marriage (in rhetorical terms, at least), even if they can't defend the country.
Kerry was the nominee for the Democratic party 2 short years ago. His comments are perfect fodder for the election less than a week away. It reminds people exactly what the democrats stand for - you know, what they actually think once you lift the thin veneer of pretending to support the military and be patriotic.