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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. But I thought everything on the internet must be taken as face value to be true.
  2. Move to S. Africa then.
  3. Crap... I'm glad I took the family up there this year... just 2 short months ago. I hope they can fix all the damage.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    Destroying other people's property is wrong and is already prosecuted under our current laws. I am not sure I understand why one group needs to be singled out and told they are not allowed to fuck with other people's stuff. I don't think animal activists are all so extreme. In the group you list, they talk about goals like not wanting the animal maternal deprivation studies to continue. I think this is reasonable, as I think a lot of the things they want to see stopped are reasonable. Their tactics may not be acceptable, but their hearts are in the right place. so, you must be opposed to hate crime legislation... to be consistent
  5. they'll raise prices. that may or may not spell trouble for the affected businesses. Burger King competes with McD's et ali, and if one has to raise their prices, so will the rest. I'm not sure Joe McFatass would stop buying their burgers if a super sized mega-fat-meal cost say $7 instead of $5.50. It's been years since the minimum wage was increased and certainly that means there's a lot of inflation (compounded) to catch up to in that gap. When minimum wage was last raised our economy hardly went belly up, and if we raise it to be equal (in dollars accounting for inflation) to the last hike, I doubt we'd see anything drastic happen. Also, many states and local jurisdictions have increased minimum wage above the federal limit. Nothing terrible has happened in those areas. I agree that it would be catastrophic to raise the minimum wage to a "living wage", but I doubt bumping it up to $6 or $7 an hour will do much damage. What I would really like to see though is enforcement of minimum wage for illegal aliens with heavy fines for violations. I wonder if it would put a dent in our "illegal immigration problem" if employers had to pay $7 to Jose fruit picker plus social security and medicare taxes...
  6. That's ironic - reading this site and all you get is the exact reverse argument.
  7. I think I may have been on some of the highways he funded.
  8. I found a video online. Un-f-ing believable.
  9. "we" for watching him and padding his bank account? or "we" for the commentary he is making by singing that song (I've never heard it)?
  10. My first thought when reading this article was that the cycle of politicals turning its wheel will cause an exodus of R's to the D camp as we saw the other way around a few years ago. Then I read the last statement and that set my blood boiling: ()**()#&*()(*)&)(* He stayed a R to stay in power which involved bribing his constituents with pork-barrel spending. Sonofabitch!
  11. I thought you "cared" about minorities? Demographics of Mississippi (csv) By race White Black AIAN Asian NHPI 2000 (total population) 62.37% 36.66% 0.69% 0.82% 0.07% AIAN is American Indian or Alaskan Native - NHPI is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Guess that 36.66 % of blacks just doesn't "count" since the state votes "R". But those in Lousiana do "count" and your ilk claims the R's didn't want to help there because of their race. Please. The bald blatant hypocrisy of the left is amazing.
  12. He seemed to "care" about Mississippi when Hurrican Katrina hit... or did he...
  13. A friend of mine from Ukraine (from my church actually) left Virginia Mason a few years ago to take a professorship in biochemistry down in Alabama a few years ago. He had severe culture shock, but is still there. He said he thought he was conservative when he lived in Seattle, but decided he was actually liberal after moving to Alabama.
  14. more arrogance
  15. we are so inward-focused: constant attention on various "isms" of our culture, which pale in comparison to what goes on outside our borders. but of course, our culture is no better than any other - just "different".
  16. When in Uzbekistan (bordering Kazakhstan on the SW), a native Uzbek told me he was brought-up to believe Jews were sub-human and hatched from eggs. He said it is very common that when parents want to scare their children, they tell them, if they are bad, they will be eaten by Jews. He said there is a common cultural folk song telling of a hideous Jew monster that stalks children to eat them. BTW, did you try and Kumys while you where there?
  17. When in Uzbekistan (bordering Kazakhstan on the SW), a native Uzbek told me he was brought-up to believe Jews were sub-human and hatched from eggs. He said it is very common that when parents want to scare their children, they tell them, if they are bad, they will be eaten by Jews. He said there is a common cultural folk song telling of a hideous Jew monster that stalks children to eat them. I think the film would have been better served by using a fictional *-istan country rather than a real one. I had intended to go see this movie, but after reading that review, I think I'll pass. Although, I do find a lot of the self-righteous talk in there a little annoying. It seems a bit knee-jerk especially concerning anything that touches on Jews and antisemitism. The point of showing that in the film is certainly NOT to make people laugh at Jews and get and idea that they should be persecuted, but rather to laugh AT antisemites, and show how ridiculous their hatred is.
  18. There are plenty of ways to corrupt the data. And with something as important and high-profile as the elections in the US, the "best minds" would be on the job looking for ways to do just that. As I said above, I would most fear ways to insert manufactured votes that look legit.
  19. It makes me nervous.
  20. Pombo? Moderate? Delay's district? Moderate? Santorum - Moderate? Allen - Moderate? The moderate's that lost, lost because they were in more moderate areas of the country. There were voting shifts even in conservative areas. Overall, yes. And the democrats who won are not hard-left by any stretch of the imagination. I'm glad to have made you laugh. It's Friday. I will be enjoying some adult beverages soon, and laugh at the f***ing rain outside.
  21. At least paper can be physically examined. It's not just bits on a magnetic storage disk.
  22. We've had Leave No Trace lectures in every Mountaineers course with which I am familiar. The policy on Blue Bagging is usually to comply with whatever rules are in effect in the area. For example, the MRNP has a Blue bag policy is in effect on the Kautz route. I climbed the route with some visitors from Canada who did not comply and in fact I was ridiculed for following the rules. They ridiculed you for not polluting a wilderness area with their Canadian crap? F-ing unbelievable.
  23. The moderate republicans for the most part are the ones who lost the house races.
  24. There's a lot of shitty software out there. I'm amazed anything works sometimes. I don't trust the people writing this software, nor do I trust the people installing and running it. There are hacks and backdoors to just about any system. In this case we are talking about tens of thousands of client applications connecting to servers from diffuse locations.
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