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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. different strokes for different folks...
  2. Yes....it seems kids these days don’t know how to socialize, all they know how to do is get back to the cascadeclimbers.com as quick as possible. At least here we're only desensitized to be rude to eachother.
  3. The guy was an English major. If anything Homer made him do it. Or maybe it was Shakespeare. Then again Ovid is pretty obscene too. If Shakesperean or Homeric literature was the inspiration he would have stabbed or poisoned his victims.
  4. No, of course that couldn't possibly have anything to do with it. Desensitizing and glorifying violence in video games, TV, and movies of course has absolutely no deletorious effects on anybody.
  5. just feed that girl a few hearty meals and she'll be golden!
  6. You guys are no fucking different. The first thing out of many of your mouths, in reaction to this tragedy, is how guns should be banned. Good point. There is no difference whatsoever between a statement by the president's press secretary responding to a national tragedy and spray on a climbing website in response to the same. The liberals in congress will be all over this. No difference. And you can't be a hypocrite and not get called on it buddy - being spray on a climber's website, notwithstanding.
  7. You guys are no fucking different. The first thing out of many of your mouths, in reaction to this tragedy, is how guns should be banned. I wouldn't advocate that. Certainly, you wouldn't possibly be unfairly generalizing from a vocal minority or anything like that... Just a thought. I would say that we'd have a safer society by having a 100% armed populace is an incredibly stupid idea, though, and flys in the face of reason and common sense. As the details of this guy come out, we'll see how predictable his acts were. He "looks" at first glance like a clean cut guy, private, reserved, probably a hard worker. He's been in the US since 1992, is legal with a green card. I don't see the warning flags yet.
  8. You guys are no fucking different. The first thing out of many of your mouths, in reaction to this tragedy, is how guns should be banned. I never said we should ban guns. I said that automatic weapons should not be readily available to psychotic mentally disturbed people, especially teenagers and college kids. They shouldn't be readily available to the general public at all. But nice try. Whatever dude. People were slaughtered and all the anti-gun lefties here are dogpiling on the "gun control" issue - as usual. And then they attack Bush for making this "political". I call bullshit. From CNN, the details out are that AUTOMATIC weapons were NOT used: "A source familiar with the investigation said the weapons found at Norris were a Walther .22-caliber semi-automatic and a 9 mm Glock -- both with the serial numbers filed off." Furthermore, these guns may have been obtained illegally, considering that the serial numbers were filed off. If existing laws were broken in preparation for this crime, then how will new laws prevent such an incident? And if we ban automatic weopons now, just how would that have prevented it? It's great that now we don't have Imus to bitch about, we can harp on the same fuckin gun control debate for a few weeks.
  9. attack the fucker
  10. You guys are no fucking different. The first thing out of many of your mouths, in reaction to this tragedy, is how guns should be banned.
  11. Laws delineate the limits and boundaries of behavior. Many people behave badly, but know the laws and how to skirt or surf them quite well. LSD is an illegal drug.
  12. Once again the anti-gun nuts crawl out from under their rock. So predictable.
  13. My favorite Door's lyrics: I WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND I GOT MYSELF A BEER THE FUTURE'S UNCERTAIN, AND THE END IS ALWAYS NEAR. Well, that and Horse Latitudes... and "The monk bought lunch" from some song... The Doors rock!
  14. Running sucks ass. I could not ever do it well, and still can't.
  15. Skiing (mostly in-bounds) Biking - road and mountain Hiking Playing guitar Learning languages Reading Cooking
  16. Hey, do you also believe the "f-ing jews" started all the wars in the world? Just curious.
  17. Zionist agenda? You antisemite pig. I hope you suffer Imus' fate.
  18. They only defend NAMBLA
  19. Congrats on your (now) eight page thread. Oh sweet irony. the story is still going on in the news cycle there will be no peace until Brittney has a relapse or shaves her beaver again.
  20. That may be true. Especially in the case of Kevboner.
  21. your opinion is absolutely worthless to me.
  22. So easy a cave man could do it. Oops, that's so racist.
  23. In this case there is disproportionate response to the comments, lack of consistency w/r/t to other offensive comments, double standards in place, opportunistic reverends looking to make hey for gain, and the Shylocks looking for their pound of flesh.
  24. et cetera = and the rest, and so on, and the others et al. (abbrev) = Abbreviation for et alii, et aliae, et alia, et alibi, or et alios; in all cases meaning and others. so both can mean and others, and you missed a punctuation mark. how's that for the language police?
  25. We're talking about Ann Coulter in another thread.
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