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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. My guess is you just lucked out. I had a similar experience on what should have been a super busy/crowded weekend at Ingalls last July, when we were the only party on route that day, and only saw one other party the whole day (coming up the other side).
  2. This is for alpine routes where weight matters. I use an Edelweiss Axis 10.3(?) for cragging. It's 71 g/m compared to 55 or 56 for the sub-10mm ropes. I bought it cheap... and saw the Fuse on sale, so I was considering it. I may suck it up and go with Mammut, although I hear good things about BlueWater too. alpine routes, where weight matters? if you say so. 2 lbs makes a difference on an approach with 4000 foot vertical gain. as does extra bulk in the pack.
  3. This is for alpine routes where weight matters. I use an Edelweiss Axis 10.3(?) for cragging. It's 71 g/m compared to 55 or 56 for the sub-10mm ropes. I bought it cheap... and saw the Fuse on sale, so I was considering it. I may suck it up and go with Mammut, although I hear good things about BlueWater too.
  4. let's party like it's nineteen ninety nine i think your type of party is 69-with fairweather. also heard that you like ATM. fuck off "Bob". I'm not interested in engaging in any discussions with a worthless piece of shit like you.
  5. let's party like it's nineteen ninety nine
  6. double grande latte Whole Latte Rosie
  7. Well, there was "Living with the Mek" already
  8. the summer already came and went. it's rainy season again.
  9. Glassgowsheepshanker's wet dream. Look at all those appendages!
  10. EMBRACE CHANGE. AND HOPE. Not helping! you need to see the glass as half full. $7/gal gasoline will be a GOOD thing. we need to save the planet. we need to force everyone to do it now. look for the silver lining
  11. didn't you watch the new Indiana Jones movie? Duh!!
  13. Word. Adapt and enjoy! Change. Like an economic downturn. A new Great Depression. Fuck yeah!!!
  14. when did jewel become a synonym for dingleberry? dunno, but now I'd say you're a real gem.
  15. Funny, I'm in the middle class and I've benefited greatly from those tax cuts. You've heard of the child tax credit, right? Thanks, Newt!
  16. Well, he does live in Tacoma. Wow, both an elitist and a racist. You're a typical leftie. typical tacoma apologist Yup. Instead of debating the issue, he resorts to ad hominem attack. How 'bout it, KK? What do you think about TACOMA? Fuck off. I'm sick of people like Hugh Cocksucker throwing out the bullshit accusations that R's are racists, while spewing out epithets and elitists comments unchallenged. What do I think about Tacoma? A lot of working class folks live there. You know, the kind that all you lefties are supposedly "looking out for" and trying to protect from those eeeevil rich Republicans.
  17. Anyone have this rope? Would you recommend it to others?
  18. Well, he does live in Tacoma. Wow, both an elitist and a racist. You're a typical leftie.
  19. you sure are quick to drop the racial epithets. says a lot about YOU.
  20. to anwser your question; the reason the us and sadia arabia wanted the Iraqi oil was not to drill it and increase supply that wouldn't make sence cause then the oil they own and pump out is worth less, the resaon for Bush's invasion.. stop suply. the iraqis were practically giveing oil to the seria, not counting what they sold to us and other nations, the more oil availible, ie the higher the suply, the less each barrel is worth. you think there is any corraltion with the fact that this is the Bush admin last little drain before there out in 6 mounths? ya summers ussaly brings and increase in price due to an increase in demand, but what other than the lack of supply and or increase in demand brings up the price of a product? so simple attck iraq, saction and "protect" their oil fields so no one gets any. there by increaseing the price of whats available. and as a side note its not to hard to blame those with the most to gain from this action, especally when they are in a position to make it happen. Load of extreme bullshit above. piss off you merly proved my point that suply and demand are the reason for price increase. so the lack of suply from iraq along with the increase in demand from china and else where equals, higher price. and who still benifits from iraqi oil being controled and for the most part off the market. maybe i was wrong in the claim that the recent price was due to the Bush admin wanting to go out with a bang, but i really dought that it isn't atleast part of the reason. so before you call it a load of bullshit maybe you use your "superior" intelct to prove it wrong rather than giveing the asertion more ground on which to stand. So much for the thesis that "FAR right" posters have a monopoly on shitty spelling and grammar.
  21. all that matters is the impact on those expensive international vacations.
  22. and you thought only evangelicals made these kinds of statements? guess again
  23. Not an elaborate "baroque" conspiracy, just another (well-executed) sell job. I don't think they knew that there were no WMD's, but I don't think they were really that worried about them either. I do agree with Rove or whomever said it that McClellan's stuff sounds right out of a liberal blog. That quote above could have come from me! That's a much more credible summary of what happened, IMO. I'd agree that the decision to go to war revolved around strategic an political considerations that were more extensive than WMD alone. I'd disagree about them not being worried about what would happen if the central argument for the invasion turned out to be based on false information, but you can have a reasonable discussion about that, that's at least tethered to reality. I agree. WMD was the "marketing" to sell the war, and they grasped for straws to build up that "case", but it was not the motivation for the war.
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