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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Ironically, there is an entire chapter devoted to this concept in The Chickenhawk Manifesto. Hey, you're diverting your precious time from your investigative reporting on the latest on Larry Craig. We're awaiting the next update with bated breath. Really. Not to mention that you're not devoting adequate time to finishing up you GED so you can get a real education somewhere reputable. And of course, there's that whole climbing thing. You know, the purpose of this site, which seems to elude you completely.
  2. Whats the alterior motive ? A geopolitical strategy. One that you can profoundly disagree with, and I would respect that.
  3. Kettle....meet pot....pot....meet kettle. You're not "everyone". You're noone.
  4. I call you an idiot because you are one. Rob disagrees with me on a lot of issues, but he is certainly not an idiot.
  5. What about people who signed up to fight in WWII? Were they idiotic? Just curious. Kevbone, is anything worth dying for? Not your family I mean, but something larger or further removed from your day-to-day life? I don't see the case for going to Iraq to fight much differently than the case for going to Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, or any number of places/wars in our history. Even WWI. Go to a foreign shore for some dubious political goal with no clear unambiguous gain at the end. The only thing clear is the cost and the body count. Iraq is not an atypical war, nor a disaster; it's par for the course. Surely people of good conscience can argue against our involvement there, but shitting on our military and taking extreme stands calling everyone an idiot with whom you disagree is not one.
  6. It's a genetic predisposition. pishov ty na khuj!
  7. Pretty tough words coming from the biggest fucking idiot on this site. Is it even possible for you to have a discussion without calling people names? Just asking. You call Harpell an idiot and then ask this question? More proof that you're nothing but a walking brain stem.
  8. Pretty tough words coming from the biggest fucking idiot on this site.
  9. I doubt there's any cause you actually DO care about.
  10. really? I didn't know he was in Iraq. he's never waved it in our face and if he wasn't, and was arguing this point you'd be waving in his face that he's a "chicken hawk". Fuck off you slimy shitsucker.
  11. "spell their leaders" WTF kind of grammar is that?
  12. Rob: case in point. Fuck off Stefan. Love you too girl! and lets keep ignoring the genocide in Darfur! Yeah, you guys are great about wringing your hands at the world's injustices but never want to get said hands dirty.
  13. not retarded, but mute. dumb=mute
  14. Rob: case in point. Fuck off Stefan.
  15. Rob, check your PMs.
  16. I so disagree with you on this. You, me, us….we all have a place to call out our president’s bullshit. I hate the mfer…..but he is our president (even if he is the first president to be appointed). You have every right to hold him accountable for his actions. At least for now you still have the right to say what you will about anyone. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Iraq does not have WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Taking out Sudam Hussein is one thing. But please do not infer that taking him out had or does have anything to do with 9/11 or out countries well being. KEVDOUCHE: you DO understand that you are flipping shit to a guy who is serving his country and making huge sacrifices? While you OTOH are sucking bong hits and worrying about your buddies heinous 20+ foot fall, your interlocutor worries if his buddies will get blown to bits on their next operation? STFU for once.
  18. +1 I'm sure you know the Russian word for a German and what it means? It makes the comment you are replying to all the more hilarious.
  19. Scott: you yourself are a threat to these fucking losers. You have convictions and have acted on them. They don't and never will. Good luck, man!
  20. watch it pal. How can he argue with that? How threatening. I'd sure be intimidated. I am not trying to intimidate. I just think you should have some fucking respect. you've been away from cc.com far too long if you've developed that fantasy
  21. Good on you! Livid? Fuck him. Keep your fucking dog leashed or don't cry if it ends up with its skull bashed in.
  22. And when it rains? Fuck off you little tool.
  23. And you just blow! in your dreams, boner
  24. you misspelled "you're"
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