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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Typical evangelical family. I've heard they're all like that. Yeah, every evangelical family has a loved-one in the freezer. And every Canadian Greyhound Bus has a headless body gushing blood all over the interior.
  2. more thread drift
  3. And you didn't too well in grammer/spelling/punctuation- it's "geography" (no caps). Not if its the name of a course. Fuck! you forgot to correct "its"
  4. And you didn't too well in grammer/spelling/punctuation- it's "geography" (no caps). Not if its the name of a course.
  5. I lived not far from the pig farm with all the dead whores on it. pretty crazy stuff. Fayetteville, NC is ground-zero for this type of shit. What's up with that? It was actually in British Columbia Prole didn't do too well in Geography.
  6. and kevbone
  7. i thought you were a moderate. wtf??? don't you know? we're all slightly right of center here. speak for yourself. I'm quite immoderate
  8. Unrelated comment. Personally, my fantasy is seeing about 40 or 50 massive, amped up monster trucks with KC roof spotlights chasing 10,000 terrified critical mass bicyclists across the desert, and it ending with them stampeding off the edge of the Frenchman coulee cliffs like a herd of wild buffalo. That's for the compliment, grasshopper. Greatness is not easily achieved. even better if they were chased by Hummers and Escalades which failed to swerve in time and followed the CM'ers over the precipice
  9. i thought you were a moderate. wtf???
  10. Sounds a lot like US foreign policy. sounds a lot like Steven Seagal
  11. that's funny, it seems to me a more likely source of inspiration would be one of those islamo-fascist execution videos Hence, your Florida remark. I get it. does Adam Corolla ring a bell?
  12. that's funny, it seems to me a more likely source of inspiration would be one of those islamo-fascist execution videos
  13. it was decapitated by a Canuck
  14. apparently a Canadian
  15. So I suppose kevbone would be the monkey beating himself? he doesn't believe in beating. he might spank himself though. which would make him an onanistic pud
  16. Aha, that explains what happened with the nasty mexican food I ate the other day... you weren't on the summit of Shuksan when this event occurred, were you?
  17. already posted in the Florida or Germany thread
  18. Looks like the only critical mass this group has achieved is that required to exhibit herd mentality.
  19. I climbed the route mid-July in leather boots. there's no need for plastics.
  20. because it increases efficiency, decreasing costs. you sound like one of those stupid hippies talking about how we need to increase the human scale of life and increase the labor in products. Uh - either the product goes up in cost or you make less. you sound like one of those stupid conservatives touting progress and making excuses for why things are the way they are - and arguing its actually all for the best
  21. yes, it is clear that you are not much more than an ambulatory brain stem.
  22. nope, Canada
  23. remember the god old days when neighborhoods had sidewalks? more micromanaging stupidity from the iWant generation plenty of neighborhoods *with* sidewalks have lardasses driving mail trucks
  24. will this cause confrontations between cyclists and pedestrians?
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