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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Looks like a no-bake cookie reciepe I made that never set-up correctly! Happy, happy, joy, joy to all on this Friday! I hope your cookies smell better than that
  2. fDJ9zcndhXw
  3. If you can't defeat the candidate on issues, sidetrack the debate with legal bullshit. Welcome to MattP's America!
  4. Sounds like the same kind of hubris you were spraying before Bush was elected and everything's been just great ever since! Prove it! Post the link, bish.
  5. Nice picture of the cc.comer crowd! It will be fun watching you over the next 4 years. Kind of like the anti-Reagan libtards - an insignificant whiny minority of losers.
  6. Looks like you found your circle jerk porter
  7. That's EXACTLY what this country needs more of! I agree with you that we need more independent thinkers, however I don't believe he would have won re-election without support from the Republicans, so how independent can that be?! He still votes D on most issues and has been critical for them to maintain their slim majority. So much for the theory that the R's "bought" him.
  8. Man, that took a while!
  9. I welcome debate with serious dissenters who believe in our country and its system of government and wish to improve it. Your motives are not to improve this country, but overthrow our system of government, and abolish freedoms. In the Senate, Lieberman supported the Patriot Act and its renewal, and he's voted in favor of a measure to expand the government's domestic surveillance authority. 5K, is this a way of abolishing freedoms? You suggest Lieberman would be a fine addition to the cabinet - what! No democrats supported the PA and its renewal? Hmm? And I don't buy the BS that the PA is some kind of horrible expansion of gov't. Sorry. And I'm not about to go into some huge tangent on this subject. It's been beat to death on this site.
  10. That's EXACTLY what this country needs more of!
  11. I welcome debate with serious dissenters who believe in our country and its system of government and wish to improve it. Your motives are not to improve this country, but overthrow our system of government, and abolish freedoms.
  12. Lieberman is a good American, and a maverick in his own right - going against his own party, which cost him their support in his last election bid. Nevertheless, he won. I don't agree with him on many issues - like it or not, he is fundamentally a Democrat. But I respect him. He'd make a fine member of the McCain-Palin administration.
  13. You're a nut-ball left-winger. Everything that you argue is "bad" in this country is going to be tinged with Marxist red. Sorry, dude, but that's the fact.
  14. Yes, it is very easy to oppose a commie agenda.
  15. The country will be better off with anyone who opposes your kind of "agenda"
  16. Obama is an empty suit. McCain is a real leader. And your party will lose again. I can't wait to celebrate.
  17. Can't figure out why this is important. There are certainly plenty of morons out there "authoring legislation". Remember Tim Eyman? He is not a leader with any accomplishments. He has absolutely NO track record except winning elections.
  18. Is she a pit-bull?
  19. Are you serious? Gore-Lieberman was 8 short years ago. They lost to W in a bitterly-contested debate. And now Lieberman will likely be on the cabinet of the next R administration? Probably as Secretary of Defence or of State.
  20. Let's start with McCain-Finegold. Not a popular thing for McCain to do, and it pissed off his party. And, Obama, has done what to show he is a leader - especially transcending his own party? What legislation has HE authored? *crickets*
  21. Yeah, those people clinging to they religion. Go with that message Prole, please do.
  22. Ah, passing our "wealth" to future generations! Yeah, vote for Obama - so he can spend even MORE of our kids' money, while f-ing up the rest of the country.
  23. you have plenty of your own to join in on spray.
  24. Yes, and McCain has repeatedly gone against his own party and pissed off the establishment. That's why he got screwed in his Presidential aspirations in 2000. He's a maverick to the core and will shake up the status quo for the next 4 years. Okay, if he is a maverick to the core - who would he be picking for his cabinet? It is not just McCain you are voting for but the whole republican ball of wax! Lieberman will be in his cabinet. You know, the guy who was on the DEMOCRATIC ticket 8 short years ago. No significance there at all.
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