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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. to which Trash replied in full: Now 9 out of 10 people, if you removed the posters names and asked which of these posts is coming from a piece of shit low-life dickhead? 99.9% would name the 2nd post as coming from a piece of shit low-life dickhead and not the first. Do you need more examples? :tup: :tup:
  2. The last US auto bailout (1.5 billion, >4 billion in today's dollars) worked for almost 30 years...
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Right. In that case, there's no confusion at all.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak

    Hey Sobo

  5. for you, billcoe:
  6. Just punishment for folks who engage in "view topping": [video:youtube]
  7. I speak the truth and the truth hurts. Deal with it. If you think you're guy's gonna get a free pass for 4 years, you are sadly mistaken.
  8. Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-) It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics. You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.
  9. Of course you would, you're a Marxist puke. FOAD.
  10. That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.
  11. Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...
  12. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day, and that quote is 100% right on. Payback is a bitch.
  13. even better:
  14. This thread was a troll, you dumb fucks. yeah, that's you Skeezer.
  15. These "people" are simply evil - and full of hate. It's bottom of the barrel stuff from bottom-feeders. Par for the course from a day in Spray.
  16. cool features. maybe you could add a feature to disable a user's ability to post if their spray:tr ratio is too high? ;-)
  17. The NY Times is bad for the brain.
  18. a few beatings will remedy that
  19. smart kid. he can already rig a pulley system with enough mechanical average to haul you up (gotta be at least 9:1). excellent!
  20. i've read reports of folks having trouble on the summit. not fatalities though, if I recall.
  21. The Peter Brooks event is listed as occurring in Aug of '81 and the body recovered in July of '81...
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