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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. tastes like chicken?
  2. Blitzburgh all the way baby!
  3. What about this guy
  4. How big of a factor IS the taxation -- and how much does it vary? I have bought Cubans in duty free shops and they are still very expensive. And I believe my brother paid nearly as much for some Cuban smokes in Mexico just as a few weeks ago as you would in downtown Vancouver. (Maybe not quite as much, but they were seriously expensive.) Anyway, you don't have to buy them if they come onto the American market, and I'm sure our taxes will compete with any Canadian tax, but I agree the embargo should end. Apples to apples any liquor sold in the US is significantly more $$ in Canuckistan. Except for duty free of course.
  5. Name a couple - I need to pick up some rum.
  6. Estamos fudidos.
  7. Not a problem here: we been holidayin' and rummin' and cigarin' all these past 40-some years yeah, and with your ridiculous taxation, I am prone to not buy said beverages or smokes while visiting Kanuckistan due to the price.
  8. why does the WSDOT have Raindawg's phone number?
  9. mmmmmmm..... botulism!
  10. me too...
  11. I'd rathe think of booze, cigs, and the beaches.
  12. it would be nice to be able to buy Cuban rum and cig's legally, yet alone vacation there :-)
  13. mmm curry. on Sat I went to Stevens for some in-bounds. on Sun I tried my hand at dry-tooling in Renton. I use the term "dry" loosely since it rained the whole day. i have a new respect for the folks doing mixed climbing. that shit is hard.
  14. the solution is easy: post less; climb (or ski) more.
  15. you all need help if you sat around and posted on the interwebs this w/e. damn the snow was nice up at Steven's on Sat.
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    guess again
  17. I'd like to see some more discussion on the ethics of bolting complemented with a montage of "humorous" images.
  18. I thought his avatar was of a carnivorous trouser snake
  19. Whether PP is genuinely a troll isn't relevant since he has been spewing the same GOP/libertarian propaganda for years. And you've flung your left-wing extremist excrement at our screens for just as long.
  20. here comes the neo-fascist thugs. Hey, how's your 5-year plan coming along after the realization of your neo-commie revolution, mr. pinko commie goon? Where will you dig the pits to dump the bodies of all the bourgeois capitalist pigs that you summarily execute?
  21. Huh? You talkin' conservative like the New York Times and the Detroit Free Press....it's pretty much a liberal media world once you get off AM radio my friend. What do you expect? J_B is a left wing goon.
  22. KaskadskyjKozak

    Debt Cut

  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    do you eat the brains?
  24. A: who cares.
  25. Q: If Kevboner and Freddie Mercury jumped off the Space Needle, who would hit the ground first?
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