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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. it's easier to steal second than third
  2. unless you have a golden glove
  3. pink can show you
  4. Great job! I still can't believe you did this trip with 4 hours sleep after Ingalls!
  5. and the smiley face is for what exactly?
  6. i'll ropegun if you'll be my belay b**** ;-)
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow Rising Long Live Rock and Roll Heaven and Hell Holy Diver :tup:
  8. kbone forgot to douche today
  9. wow, after the 50th time the joke is still no funnier than after the 3rd or 4th time...
  10. When you are instructing you stand around a lot, so releading a pitch would not be a bad thing. I doubt these pitches would interest you anyways RuMR - we are talking about beginner routes - 5.3 to 5.6
  11. I've done the same. I've also spoken up when I run into a cluster. The Tooth last May comes to mind (large WAC group on the route)
  12. The problem with this perspective is that by merely occupying so many routes, you place the burden on the other users to have to go and ask. Most people avoid conflict and I know I would rather just go elsewhere than have to enter a large group, not knowing who is running things and boldly make some request in front of a big group, only to be told that someone is climbing that. Grow a pair and speak up. Jeez, it's not hard. "hey, can I jump on a route here?" real tough.
  13. When I go out with beginners on rock, I prefer to have 4 people and the ratio for leaders:beginners is 1:1. When I go on an easy glacier climb it is usually 6 people, and the ratio is 1:2. When I go out with experienced folks it's 2-4 people for rock, and 3-4 people for glacier. I don't see any way around the slightly larger groups when beginners go.
  14. What kind of bribe would be required to ban Kevboner?
  15. It's TRs like this that raise the bar on the ambition level. Damn that route looks sweet!
  16. I have never seen any of this. Your impression is completely wrong.
  17. snow shoes next year I will have skis.
  18. We saw some fresh ski tracks on the way out but never saw those who made them - perhaps it was you. Two skiers also greeted us near the Fischer basin on Sunday midday.
  19. That's exactly how it works, dude. New instructors do not "lead a whole climbing class".
  20. Because he's a pinko nutjob
  21. [sarcasm]yes, it's ok for a huge group to overrun all the best easy climbs at a crag and make things unpleasant/impossible for everyone else not in their club, because there are other, shittier, climbs elsewhere in the area [/sarcasm] Yeah, Ed's jam is so shitty
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