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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Sanford opposed sucking at the federal teat. Somebody would lose money if he was successful, and one of those somebodies made sure this story broke, and are demanding their pound of flesh. Make waves and pay the price. Clinton was different. In his case, he was wildly popular which his opponents could never understand. He redefined "teflon" and won almost every political battle thrown against him (government shutdown anyone?). Lewinsky was all the R's could stick him with.
  2. Do you have any more pics of Colchuck Lake? ;-) Great pics!
  3. I don't think she'll make it onto the 2012 ticket. America doesn't like losers. The only loser that made it in round two was Nixon, and we see how well that worked out. She'll probably find a niche as a big draw for fundraising, lobbying, etc, and make a few millions in the process.
  4. Amen, brother.
  5. No, no, no. Should be: "If my ear were a puss, I could fuck it!"
  6. yes, ditto.
  7. ... everything you post is myopic, twisted, and delusional
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    a ripe peach would help that
  9. because you'd see what my haircut is. duh. raz on dude, I don't have a personal problem with you.
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    still pissed about the ham sandwich jokes, eh? man, you hold a grudge
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    well, they seem to be bitter that their plans to honeymoon at beacon have gone horribly awry
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    be careful, or she'll girth hitch you or tie you off. I'm not saying with what...
  13. Nope. Do you ever actually meet anyone, btw? Or are you permanently sequestered in your left-wing doomsday bunker, waiting for the imminent revolution?
  14. speaking of making an ass of oneself, I'm reminded of you publicly "retiring" from cc.com then coming back and posting your inane political drivel multiple times a day. just curious - in between your top-notch investigative reporting efforts into the "failings of (unfettered, LOL) capitalism", do you actually climb anything? Wow, I am overwhelmed by your argumentation, per usual. And speaking of "argumentation", your modus operandi is to simply bitch and whine about how "bad" everything is. Here's a news flash - the world is imperfect and unfair and always will be. But, you and your left-wing puke twin Prole are never happy about, or satisfied with anything, overblowing the negative with and ignoring the positives or the tradeoffs made to have what we have positive. The status quo, no matter what it is, is always horribly wrong (wring hands, go into hysterics) and we are all doomed or soon headed for a socio-economic and political collapse. Nice way to live your life, Chicken Little.
  15. Seriously, about the haircut... venture out of spray and read a tr. or go read k-bone's lame 5K thread. dumbass.
  16. speaking of making an ass of oneself, I'm reminded of you publicly "retiring" from cc.com then coming back and posting your inane political drivel multiple times a day. just curious - in between your top-notch investigative reporting efforts into the "failings of (unfettered, LOL) capitalism", do you actually climb anything?
  17. You didn't spell it wrong - I'm actually making fun of your extreme-right political views. Sorry for the confusion. you have no clue what my views are, assface. now go lick sack
  18. You're just jealous because your political views are only "exreme:" [img:left]http://omgwtfwyt.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/fail-owned-extreme-fail.jpg[/img] thanks a lot, mr. spellchecker.
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


    You'd think this gal would be glad for her guy's gladii
  20. More like an 8th grader who's read Das Kapital and thinks he knows how the world works.
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    Women - always trying to change their man.
  22. If you weren't a dimwitt, you'd have noticed that 100% of my bashing is aimed at unfettered capitalism. I have no problem whatsoever with private property, entrepreneurship, etc ... but lots of problems with morons who think that having the Waltons owning as much as the bottom 100 millions americans is a sign that freedom is on the march. 1)There is nothing "unfettered" about American capitalism. Our system has quite a few bindings and restrictions. It has ebbed and flowed throughout the last 100 years for sure, but only in degree of regulation, never approaching anything close to "zero" regulation. 2)You NEVER qualify your rants against capitalism, revealing a lot more about your extreme-left leanings than you care to admit
  23. Boner, if we smeared you with chum and dragged you behind that kayak, would it be bad?
  24. Now you can do the other approach. ;-) A nice day out, especially since I could only spare a day for climbing this w/e.
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