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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak


    Time to spice it up, baby!
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    tough to do with it in pink's mouth
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Are you saying the postman rang twice? (at least)
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    Kevbone: the "Honey Bucket" of cc.com
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    A bot would have a higher IQ
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    it's his forte his only forte
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    ham sandwich hotness?
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    yeah, somebody mentioned climbing. stick to David Lee Roth and you'll be interested
  9. I don't know what bonehead's take on vaccines was/is, but to indiscriminately accept the current establishment doctrine concerning vaccines is rather....unscientific. Curious -- does this mean you don't think vaccines work? Or, just that you don't think people should have them? Are you one of those people that believe vaccines cause autism? Cause THAT'S pretty unscientific. we should only believe science when it tells us the glaciers are melting but not when it tells us that vaccination works.
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    i's gots da "shitz" It was the Mountain House Chili Mac...
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    it's "it's"
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    finished with his nut-tool, eh?
  13. also, gogi gui
  14. yes, but it was really good and i drank a lot and don't remember its name you *are* a scornful tease!
  15. Thanks, guys. I called the climbing information center at Paradise and apparently a moat/crack has developed at the base of the finger and there is a lot of rockfall in there. The Kautz has a lot of exposed ice for this time as year, including some bulges with a 60 degree aspect.
  16. KaskadskyjKozak

    New Forum

    Search for you head. Look in your ass.
  17. KaskadskyjKozak

    New Forum

    Trip reports are the essence of spray.....they are nothing more than self glorification. "hey....look at me....look at what I climbed". There is nothing wrong with that...I love looking at pictures of climbing....but lets call it what it is..... Fuck off, boner, you waste of skin
  18. KaskadskyjKozak

    New Forum

    fuck that. let's *climb* something and post a TR :-)
  19. It was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair. But Gollum and the evil one crept up, And slipped away with her.
  20. Has anyone tried a nice single malt lately?
  21. Because a D is in the white house, of course. The media will save it's dire global warming talk for whenever (if ever) an R is back in power.
  22. Thank you for proving my point. STFU boner!
  23. Yeah, but ancient peoples who raped the landscape to build personal monuments of over-the-top self-aggrandizement after death and build temples where they can masturbate to images of Amun are cool.
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