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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Admit it, you feel like a total jackass for buying into that propaganda. As well you should.
  2. It was *historic*!
  3. Boner's mental retardation is most likely genetically-based. Chode-licker's most assuredly is due to profound, traumatic brain damage.
  4. The audacity of hope!!
  5. Unless, say, it's swollen shut. Chodelickerboy's mouth doesn't talk, it just defecates perpetually.
  6. You're kind of an angry dumb shit, aren't ya? "kind of"? now that's a monumental understatement
  7. Thanks, man!
  8. Why not just stick with the term "Untermensch" like your hero and role-model did?
  9. which you illustrate by personal example on a daily basis
  10. Anyone taken a look recently at the NE Buttress and/or N face routes? How are they shaping up?
  11. Who's "McSame" now?
  12. Weird. I thought he sounded like a more articulate Bush. War on terror, blah blah blah.
  13. You should move to Jersey. Closer to your love. Is that where Dunkin' Donuts has its headquarters?
  14. So CC.com is your news sorce for current events TTK is smart, and you are dumb. He is smarter than everyone. Everyone is a fucktard. Is that expressed simply enough for your feeble intellect to comprehend?
  15. it's not TTK's fault - it's all the "other" people - fucktards one and all (a group with which he, of course, denies his own membership in)
  16. true. start with yourself.
  17. What a crock of shit! The Climate Science Isn't Settled according to Richard Lintzen, professor of meteorology at the MIT NO DISSENT ALLOWED, COMRADE, OR OFF TO REEDUCATION CAMP WITH YOU!
  18. Yeah, he's a fucktard. I bet he buys his tents at Walmart.
  19. The Serbs gave it a good go.
  20. Georgians aren't Europeans.
  21. Why? He is functionally similar, and much less expensive that those Swedish scientists.
  22. Yeah, but killing humans in the tens of millions does have its down side...
  23. What's right with us?
  24. Who you calling newb punk? According to that little thing on the sidebar I've been registered here longer than you! don't bother ttk with facts or any other inconvenient truth.
  25. Read more carefully.
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