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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. .....but they do have some nice buildings. "they"... hmmm.... who is it who primarily promotes the "us vs. them" phenomenon that OW charged?
  2. Most people of faith are agnostic at some point in their lives, potentially multiple times - whether they will admit that to you or not is a different question.
  3. nancy and hilary are freaking me out Bubba is looking his cool self. I have to admit I miss him!
  4. dude, M, that is disturbing
  5. sorry, no dice. I don't get drunk, but hey, keep pretending you know me.
  6. LOL. You've got it all figured out allright - so much you have to resort to hallucinogenic drugs (your crutch) to make your pathetic life livable for you. That and playing god at your little climbing crag.
  7. You should have more respect for the man who rallied the Brits against the Nazis.
  8. Actually, I think god is a childish crutch for those afraid of the dark. Says the guy who uses LSD
  9. I'd really love for you to get a job, Prole. Those loans will be tough to pay off otherwise!
  10. Thanks Barry!
  11. I don't believe trichinosis is much of a real threat in pork in the US these days
  12. are you old enough to remember that commercial?
  13. Sweet. My tick list is long, and I'll be up for spring cragging too.
  14. We would suffocate from your endless flatulation.
  15. I'll have a drink with you Now, when we gonna climb something, eh?
  16. more likely Chode-boy is a Newfie
  17. damn, I love cognac
  18. Who the fuck cares
  19. paaaaleeeeeeze - the M's need "Super" "Star" power, and ichiro is only the table setter. Maybe Sammy's available. Talk about star power! is he a Michael Jackson fan?
  20. Tell us your own personal testimonial of your battle with the man and lack of respect and deserved compensation for your superior intellect in our skewed society. I would pay to read that!
  21. you are one clueless fuck
  22. Academics are always so in touch with the average man
  23. what was his sample and how did he select it? how did he get access to the detailed budgets of each family he "studied"? how did he determine (or did he even try) if the homes purchased were unnecessarily large or expensive (or if renting for said family is a better choice). Just because somebody wrote an article doesn't mean it is sound nor should be believed (hook line and sinker) by any dumbass who reads it (that would be you).
  24. no they don't. they brush away real questions on comsumer spending with glib comments about "lattes" and "mcmansions" not being to blame. it's the whole consumer bundle, not lattes and mcmansions.
  25. not in the least the average consumer buys a lot of shit he does not need, including the average middle class consumer. and although middle class Americans don't all buy "McMansions" they do buy houses they can not afford, do remodels they can not afford, take vacations they can not afford, buy boats, RVs, ATVs, continually replace appliances, spend money on restuarants, entertainment etc. The average middle class American has no control over spending. The article you cited is bullshit, like anything you spew on this site. And life for the average American is a whole fuck lot better than it is for most of the world.
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