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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Bump. It's that time again!
  2. Actually it appears that is what you want us to believe in.
  3. There are lots of holes in what we've been told about that! More from the right. Ron Paul for prez!
  4. There are lots of holes in what we've been told about that!
  5. Did you read my link? It puts a lot of holes in what we have been told!
  6. some people want to be Fred; others want to be dead.
  7. +1 Those brontosaurus steaks that he eats look delicious!
  8. ru sure that was not just kevbone?
  9. Hey retard, how's it going today in simpleton-land?
  10. Sounds like the US Government.
  11. Is Popeye the ruler there?
  13. NO PRISONERS!!! post-script: it seems "i am" is also not a complete sentence, as it too implies more words being necessary "i am he" for example - amusingly, one could not even say this in russian, as it would just be "i" Or possibly it is "I am" with no implied "he". In fully-inflected languages you can often reduce this to one word - "sum", for example.
  14. You must be dirt-poor.
  15. First Dru, now Sobo...
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    Wrong http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/gnrl/txbl/xmptgds-eng.html You don't pay GST on medical services only because the government is paying for these so ultimately it would be taxing itself. Actually, he's right, and you're wrong. Under the GST or HST, taxes aren't collected on sales of basic groceries. You linked the list of "exempt" items, but groceries aren't exempt, they're "zero-rated" meaning they're taxed, but at a rate of - wait for it - 0% You should have looked here: Zero-rated (0%) goods and services g-spotter- u just got served Dru was WRONG about something? WTF??!?!
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    Carville makes a few simplifications and omissions, but damn the comparison does look stark: link Not so say the D side has been tons better, mind you.
  18. KaskadskyjKozak


    The most qualified candidate we had in recent memory was Bush 41, and all the press did was lambaste him as being a "wimp". And he was no idealogue, he did raise taxes, did he not?
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


    I'm not sure he is qualified. He's not a moron, that's all I'm saying. That and the bar is getting lower and lower on presidential qualifications.
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Umm, that he's not a 'moron'. Duh. But is he qualified to run the most powerful country in the world? Was a "community organizer"?
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    He has an M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue. He also worked in ballistics in the US Navy, and ran a corporation. And you?
  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yes it is. I was referring to the Federal minimunum wage. Some jurisdictions have a higher minimum wage.
  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    Here comes the goon squad!
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    Jay, A couple points from a quick google search: 1) Calculated in real 2010 dollars, the 1968 minimum wage was the highest at $10.04. It's just over $7/hr now. 2) In 1968, the minimum wage was 90% of poverty. It's around 60% now. You say only 3% of jobs are minimum wage. True. But what percent of jobs are up to $10.04 an hour? I think historically-speaking, if you let the market dictate wage with no oversight you will have abuses - what some here call "slave labor". You also have folks who are gonna be better off doing something besides work. And why is it that so many illegals come here to work at jobs that supposedly nobody else wants? We've allowed ourselves to go backwards from where we once were, IMO. And yes, we can disagree w/o calling eachother regressive corporate shills, neanderthals, or claiming the other does not believe what they say because they supposedly watch Fox news, read Ayn Rand, and voted for 40+ years of regressive red-baiting Bush-Reagan deregulatory unfettered baron capitalism.
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


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