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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. The point oh dense fuckwad, is that YOUR side argued repeatedly the following during Clinton's accusations of sexual harassment and later "consensual" (actually - predatory sexual behavior of a middle-aged man to his 20+ year old subordinate staff member): 1) it's a private matter - not our business 2) we're electing a president, not a pope 3) don't rush to judgement - we don't know all the facts! 4) the accusers are gold-diggers. dragging a 100 dollar bill through a trailer park. 15 minutes and all that 5) the politics of personal destruction etc. etc. etc. but now you are all singing a different tune. As usual. Consistency is not your strong suit. Except maybe Ivan - he at least appears to "get it". Maybe you could learn something from him if you'd STFU long enough. I am not a Cain supporter, sorry. Although I'd like for an "outsider" to come in and "change Washington", that really doesn't seem realistic. People kind of have to have experience running a state or participating in the legislative process for some time to actually know how things work and get the work of government done. Cain does not have that.
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    Not sue, but I've got two of 'em. Does that mean they're gonna have to cut one off??? Only two? you're below average
  3. Paulo Jones didn't consent. Neither did Kahtleen Willey.
  4. Now you sound like j_bot.
  5. Did the Spermanator allegedly hump your leg or complement you on your dress after getting to know you? "You want a job, don't you?" Eeeeeeewwwwww. "This cigar tastes good..." Eewwwwwwwww
  6. jenkem looks damn-right appealing next to krokodil
  7. Weird... that leg humping comment gave me a nasty image of Bubba splooging all over a dress. Huh.
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    You should move to China and found the CCLU. That would be long-lived.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    "In January 2007, border patrol agent Nicholas Corbett shot and killed Francisco Javier Domínguez Rivera.[26] after the latter tried to smash his head with a rock" Yeah, he should have let the guy smash his head with the rock!
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    Hmmm, one incident, which involved some circumcstances like rocks being chucked at a border agent. Of course this is equivalent to Chinese soldiers shooting escaping (as in desperate to LEAVE the socialist utopia that is China) Tibetan refugees like dogs. Yeah, it's all the same to brain-addled sociopathic libturds like Trash.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    Speaking of incarceration, maybe USA should start harvesting organs from its political prisoners the way China does? Except that in USA they'd harvest from the jailed potheads instead. Or shooting people at the borders... trying to escape. Oh, wait... Right. In USA they shoot people (Mexicans) trying to get IN. Really? Prove it.
  12. legalize it!
  13. KaskadskyjKozak


    Speaking of incarceration, maybe USA should start harvesting organs from its political prisoners the way China does? Except that in USA they'd harvest from the jailed potheads instead. Or shooting people at the borders... trying to escape. Oh, wait...
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    UMMM the one child policy WAS family planning services. Just with an involuntary component. Look at the gender imbalance. 95 MILLION more boys than girls in that age cohort. Real egalitarian, there. forced abortions, including during birth. good time.
  15. No shit. That's some f'd up shit. And the draw again is what? No high is worth that shit.
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


  17. Bush. Barry.
  18. meh. havne't seen enough to make me think its far out of bounds - the idea was to stoke green energy, so of course it'd involve handing out cash. is there strong evidence it was handed out to folks for purely corrupt purposes? was bho given these dudes cash that they were kicking back? or was he guilty of no more than false hopes that this would help get folks back to work, like a president should? Ivan's waiting for all the evidence to surface first. Don't rush to judgement!!!
  19. AS if advocating for social policy was comparable to telling someone who, when and how to fuck. But keep making an ass of yourself. Pontificating totalitarian douche-nozzles like you go far beyond dictating just that one aspect of a person's life.
  20. Funny they're not saying that about Cain. He is black, though. Black Gold. "We're electing a president not a Pope..."
  21. I do too but not for his extra-marital dallying. He never claimed to be holier than thou on the family front like conservative hypocrites do almost all the time. The Clinton-is-a sex-machine witch hunt was also an attempt by neanderthals to shove their values down our throats. As opposed to meddling social engineers like yourself shoving your values down our throats.
  22. Can I call in and ask you why you have soooooo many posts on this site? "Who do you prefer as the front man of Van Halen?" "Pamela Lee - with or without implants?"
  23. Clinton was accused of sexual harassment you dipshit. and there was a huge fucking settlement, BTW Jones' story has gold digger written all over (she waited for 3 years and there was a witness who contradicted her), which is certainly not the case for Cain. But whatever, I certainly don't have the stomach to dig into that drivel. The rationalization of the retarded continues. Move along... no hypocrisy to see here!
  24. Cain refused to give the facts, which naturally allowed to speculate he was hiding something. The crimes in your examples weren't about marital infidelity. Trial in the court of public opinion! Guilty... you must be hiding something. Man you are a joke. Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of rape... he refused to give facts... GUILTY AS CHARGED
  25. Cain refused to give the facts, which naturally allowed to speculate he was hiding something. The crimes in your examples weren't about marital infidelity. Trial in the court of public opinion! Guilty... you must be hiding something. Man you are a joke.
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