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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak


    Nice for you to join us again. Were you hanging out at Wall Street, or did your Mom lock you out of your internet account again?
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    Pretty well. Pretty petty. Well?
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    There's always rationalization from the peanut gallery for their own brand of gullibility and stupidity. Congrats for being part of the least common denominator, j_b, despite all your false pretensions and aspirations for intelligence.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    How cute, Prole liked Michelle's turn of phrase, and used it in his title! Yep. You and Michelle.
  5. Yes, the other three quarters ended up as a brown stain on a mattress.... which you proceeded to lap up and gargle, as per usual.
  6. Scary, crime-ridden Everett needs a guy like this!
  7. You know you self-righteous prick, you are just like any fucking commie- I think russia would be a wonderful place for assholes like you.... "it's medication time, it's medication time" Sarcasm is not his strong-suit, but then again his brain has been long ago completely addled from years of gargling butt-gravy.
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    pandora is now free and unlimited!
  9. or paid off a boat fare
  10. You should get your buddy to show you how to start petition for that!
  11. Dick Cheney is commander in chief? You are a dumb fuck.
  12. who brought up "let them eat cake"? BTW, fuck off.
  13. But those crappy drones with all the security flaws came out of private industry!!! Who is gonna write all that single-payer software? Maybe Diebold could help with that? TTK: bugger off
  14. What ZimZam really wants:
  15. And Prole lives in his mom's basement.
  16. But those crappy drones with all the security flaws came out of private industry!!! Who is gonna write all that single-payer software?
  17. What could go wrong? "But despite their widespread use, the drone systems are known to have security flaws. Many Reapers and Predators don’t encrypt the video they transmit to American troops on the ground. In the summer of 2009, U.S. forces discovered “days and days and hours and hours” of the drone footage on the laptops of Iraqi insurgents. A $26 piece of software allowed the militants to capture the video." Government is awesome! Nationalize Health Care!
  18. response
  19. Around the same time of year, we made a trip out to Buckner and had permits for the Boston Glacier. The ranger at Sahale Camp (where we rested en route to our camp) checked our permit and then offered to issue us a permit on the spot for Sahale Camp instead, if we wanted to change our minds and camp there rather than continue up and over Sahale and around Boston. We were grateful, but declined. That's what I call public service, which is what the rangers should be doing (and many do - and do it well). As for Val Z - she also related how they waited forever while the ranger issuing permits BS'd endlessly with the first person in line. I've seen this too, and it can be damn annoying when you get up at 5 am to be at the RS at 7 am when they open, only to stand there for 30 minutes while folks are chit-chatting ahead of you in line. Back on topic, if more of this is to be expected by adding WA pass to NCNP, I say "no, thanks".
  20. Yo, Matt, I never said I did not like the Park Service. I have some gripes with the way permits are allocated for some areas along Cascade River - like the Boston Basin with preference given to guides (advance permits unavailable to the general public). If extending the NCNP will result in more such issues (e.g. at WA pass), which it likely will, then I am not to keen on it.
  21. But there certainly was not any personal attacks there. There were some harsh criticism of the NPS and their policies. But also, the OP (Val Zephyr ) and her party were a bunch of idiots, and were told that in the thread. Sounds like Ranger Kevork(ian) is kinda a cry baby. They are a public servant, and if that level of review of their job performance by the general public causes them that much personal consternation, maybe it's time for them to get off the Government titty, and get wit the private sector, where I'm sure they will find things much easier and the working conditions much friendlier to their thin skin The OP of THAT thread certainly were not idiots. As some pointed out the ranger in question could and should have just issued a permit on the spot rather than waste everyone's time and introduce unnecessary hassle and ill-will to visitors to the park.
  22. Me too....especially since he died 10 years ago. Ivan - you still think "moron" is not a propos?
  23. ask your best buddy - you never seem to call him on this point nonsense - i told that ole'boy plenty of times, but more commonly in person 'cuz he's actually pretty restrained 'round these parts - he listens about as well as everybody else around here at any rate, tvash's argument is a strong one, and the purest. i'm not sold on it heart and soul, mostly b/c i'm deep cynic, but i'm plenty willing to accept that my world-view is fucked. For me OBL's assassination was anticlimatic. Why now? On a human/emotional level I felt sadness for a life he chose and having to die a miserable, dog's death. But, OTOH, I am not going to go on some crusade about how this action is somehow beneath the US, unconstitutional, or some huge tragedy indicating our nation's abandonment of some pure, idealistic principles (that, as you pointed out, we never adhered to) or imminent demise and descent into totalitarianism (as Bill alludes to). This latest killing falls in the same category as OBL's in my view - not much difference, really.
  24. ask your best buddy - you never seem to call him on this point
  25. there were plenty of morons whining about OBL's assassination as well
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