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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak


    You seem overwrought, Prole. Aren't you capable of writing anything without being insulting, shrill and whiny? Good luck convincing anyone that YOU are not a member of some insane assclown posse.
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    Acting is a great qualifying skill for politicians, Ivan! And Ronnie did a few things between the first and running for prez. Jon Stewart, OTOH...
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Well hmmmm, let's see, as far as a counter-proposal to the Pizza Plan goes, let's start with taxing the rich more and the poor and working class less. It's like the exact opposite and about as concrete. But hey, when did criticizing an idiotic proposal put forward by a presidential candidate require counter-proposals by ordinary citizens? Umm, nope, you're not concrete at all. Define rich, and working class. State the tax rates and brackets and changes to existing tax code. Currently there are quite a few people who are asking to "simplify" the tax code and eliminate loopholes. This is what is "appealing" about the 999 plan. We've seen post after post here on spray from libtards whining about Fortune 500 companies and multimillionaires paying zero taxes or a very small amount. A fixed corporate rate of 9% and personal income tax rate of 9% would stop that, no? So, you think it's idiotic, what could be changed to make it not "idiotic". It's easy to sit around calling everyone else a moron, but you sure don't impress with the lack of definite counter-proposals.
  4. I could see a good chunk of Stuart from Granite Mountain (Snoq. Pass) last weekend. It looked to be at least dusted with snow probably down to the 7000' level and maybe lower.
  5. linky
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    Noone should be faulted for voting against the R's and for BO, but anyone who thinks comedians exemplify ideal candidates, OTOH...
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    dood, if you're not already a lawyer, you oughta look into it - you'd be a stone-cold killer at delivering the chewbacca defense! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1QI4P0YqtM&feature=related Ivan - don't you have anything better to do on your birthday, bratchik? Nalivaj!
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    BOLD! So what exactly is YOUR plan Prole? Exactly. Concretely. Let's hear it douchebag.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    In every election many vote against the "other". We've covered this ground before. It's one thing to vote against the "other" - totally another to buy into bullshit sloganeering about "change". The most ironic part of it all are the morons here who referred to McCain as McSame - since BO has proven to be about as McSame as you can get. Door # 1 or Door # 2, eh? Well, I guess the world's a simpler place that way. Um, yeah there pretty much are two doors, fuckhead. Duh. But who gets put up as those choices can vary and your party, Mr. Card-Carrying Democrat with a capital D - could have picked a better candidate. McCain was and is a better choice than BO, albeit his running-mate had a lot to be desired (funny though, JMcC is still alive after 3 years so that one heartbeat away argument sure seems to fall flat right now, doesn't it...)
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    Wait, tell me again why it's bullshit to think that we're capable as a society to make things better and that elected representatives have a role to play in the process? 'Cause if that's the kind of headspace you're in, you should seek psychiatric help and stop listening to that silly music. Nice troll, Prole. I'm profoundly suspicious of political sloganeering. That's not "anti-hope". Indeed if anyone smacks of hopelessness it's you with your endless obsession with how the US blows, capitalism has "failed", and we are doomed. Nothing is good enough or makes you happy about the country you live in and the system you live under.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    Archie might have one, but she's not posted for a long ass time.
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    In every election many vote against the "other". We've covered this ground before. It's one thing to vote against the "other" - totally another to buy into bullshit sloganeering about "change". The most ironic part of it all are the morons here who referred to McCain as McSame - since BO has proven to be about as McSame as you can get.
  13. KaskadskyjKozak


    one... two Keep practicing, and maybe next week you can get up to 3.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yeah, hope for a better future is sooo fucking LAME! Baseless hope built on nothing - no difference between that and a promise that three-way 9% taxes will magically work.
  15. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yeah, it's so much less sophisticated than "Yes, we can!", and "Change". You bought it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so bitter. A lover scorned? Or the best one "stay out da Bushes!". Sophisticated, nuanced sloganeering at its best!
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    in your case - microscopic
  17. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yeah, it's so much less sophisticated than "Yes, we can!", and "Change".
  18. KaskadskyjKozak


    Only if he were VP - that's who would take over when she resigned
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


    Who's "McSame" now? if nothing else, i'm glad "don't ask, don't tell" has gone away, and grandpa sure as hell wouldn't have let that happen. Now THAT'S change I can believe in! What an impressive legacy!
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


  21. KaskadskyjKozak


  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    So you got "tricked" by Barry's "artful deceit". Is that it? Your defense, then, is that you are a feckless, gullible moron?! I personally didn't get tricked but many people did and being tricked by 'artful deceit' isn't a sign of gullibility or of being a moron. In turn, being tricked by blatant deceit and blatant stupidity is gullible and moronic.
  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    things would be BETTER if bible spice and grandpa had won in '08? Who's "McSame" now?
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    So you got "tricked" by Barry's "artful deceit". Is that it? Your defense, then, is that you are a feckless, gullible moron?!
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


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