Well hmmmm, let's see, as far as a counter-proposal to the Pizza Plan goes, let's start with taxing the rich more and the poor and working class less. It's like the exact opposite and about as concrete. But hey, when did criticizing an idiotic proposal put forward by a presidential candidate require counter-proposals by ordinary citizens?
Umm, nope, you're not concrete at all.
Define rich, and working class. State the tax rates and brackets and changes to existing tax code.
Currently there are quite a few people who are asking to "simplify" the tax code and eliminate loopholes. This is what is "appealing" about the 999 plan. We've seen post after post here on spray from libtards whining about Fortune 500 companies and multimillionaires paying zero taxes or a very small amount. A fixed corporate rate of 9% and personal income tax rate of 9% would stop that, no? So, you think it's idiotic, what could be changed to make it not "idiotic". It's easy to sit around calling everyone else a moron, but you sure don't impress with the lack of definite counter-proposals.