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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    We will all soon have lizard teeth thanks to the effects of the chemtrails
  2. I think Olyclimber got it instead. He sang Mein Land while touching the ummm-laut - it was the deciding factor.
  3. That's what attracted your attention in the video?
  4. Racist!
  5. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul needs to cough up his birth certificate - the guy is clearly an alien.
  6. Experiencing 11/11/11 11:11:11 TWELVE times spoils the magic and breaks the spell...
  7. GMT + 11
  8. 111111 not 1000101 !!
  9. "63"
  10. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    Yes, it currently resides up Ron's butt. Check the photo caption thread.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul has less chance to win than Bachman's pet hamster.
  12. The first utter social American misfit described in literature. And now, well over a hundred years later we have j_bot.
  13. "I would prefer not to." Alright, Bartleby. nice one!
  14. Hulkamania... running wild!
  15. You're not worth the wasted expended energy, you brain-addled ass clown. We already all know that you'd rather trade substance free insults until kingdom come, which surely must be a sign of your not being "brain-addled"
  16. You got it!
  17. Much better!
  18. Much of it is for show. These guys are prep'd and propped up, and fed answers, told how to gesticulate, what facial expressions to make, etc. Some more than others. It's all part of the great dog and pony show. Enjoy. :-) My impression of Barry is that although he is subject to all these forces, he actually has a core of capability in natural self-expression, articulation, etc. Perry... not so much. It's up for the voter to decide if, and to what extent that matters.
  19. You're not worth the wasted expended energy, you brain-addled ass clown.
  20. Your problem is the complete inability to handle complexity, which is why the real world gives you so much trouble.
  21. Indeed. That's how it's been for quite some time now. Glad you caught on! Yeah, so we don't know who we are electing behind the curtain but in your immediately preceding post you argue that his performance during debates is fundamental to the democratic process? You are a moron. Do you have a single functioning synapse? And you call Perry dumb.
  22. Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chins!
  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    Huh. Guess I must be a closet liberal then... Who'da thunk it, eh? j_b decides his position on an issue by figuring out if liberals "tend" to support it or not then positions himself accordingly.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    Indeed, and it's almost Freitag again Sobolewski...
  25. Indeed. That's how it's been for quite some time now. Glad you caught on!
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