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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. You hear what you want to hear. RON PAUL FOR PRES!!
  2. Oh, yes, libtards are such uniters! My statement is not one side or the other. Both parties are very good at this. You'll never get a partisan like 5K to admit that political parties maliciously prey on the fears of their base. People like this are habituated into mindlessly defending their party or party representative without forethought; it's like a reflex. I'm just balancing the loud-mouthed libtard majority on this board, Rob
  3. Oh, yes, libtards are such uniters!
  4. Hand guns. Purchased for self-defense. Quite a few libtards would love to ban them.
  5. Nope. Just been jumpin' the hens and trying to avoid the BLADE. roasted capon... f'ing delicious! Want some H5:N1 with that, buddy? Hey Rooster... it's still not too late to perform a little procedure on you to make you a capon...
  6. Nope. Just been jumpin' the hens and trying to avoid the BLADE. roasted capon... f'ing delicious!
  7. How many planets have you killed?
  8. So are my farts... just sayin'.
  9. That's j_bot's way of "thinking" - definitely.
  10. Sweet! Enjoy! BTW, it is great in hot-buttered rum!
  11. Hey Sobo... I just got home from work via a nice chilly bike ride, hit the shower, and now am enjoying a delicious negroni... Mmmmm...
  12. Because Canadians are boring.
  13. Yeah, there's no photos of Diamond Dave, a thonged rhino, or fake breasts. WTF?! Or HUGE, GIANT cellulite asses. or Ron Paul!
  14. Yeah, there's no photos of Diamond Dave, a thonged rhino, or fake breasts. WTF?!
  15. Yeah, this thread is about eating/drinking shit and puking. I saw a guy drink a glass of water with a goldfish, puke it backinto the glass, alive. This predated Jackass by over a decade. Then there was the guy that chugged a glass of chew spit (his own), with a raw egg on top for shits and giggles. The project vomit smelled so bad I almost lost it.
  16. wait! you were there too! can't claim to have been anythign other than a bystander - the instict to test one's ability to consume revolting things is happily one i seem to have evolved away from I saw a guy attempt a John Belushi and chug a fifth of JD in one long chug. He immediately grabbed a garbage can and puked so hard he burst the blood vessels in both eyes. For the next week he walked around with blood red, demonic eyes.
  17. Recommendation: Appleton Estate amber rum Capt. Morgans...
  18. gusano rojo
  19. awesome.
  20. three miles of beer cups lined in a row? in 20 min? holy shit!
  21. Freshiez! :-)
  22. One of my many convictions is that I don't release personal information. Nor do I commit funds over the telephone. Are you now to be the arbiter of my convictions as well?? To judge what are, and are not, legitimate convictions? Ad hominem, blah blah, but Grandma's still got bigger ballz. She's willing to be active in an important process of reform, even at the risk of identity theft (which has, do date, never occurred with petition signatures). You've decided that your fear of identity theft trumps participating in the petition process. Grandma is simply braver in that regard. Them's just the facts, dood. Call it an attack. I call it an observation. Whut-evuh... I play my part in the process of reform, I just board the train at the next station. Do you have some sort of problem with the manner in which I participate in my government? Are you now to be the arbiter of how I discharge my citizenship, as well as what convictions I may be allowed to hold? Jeezus, Pat, get a hold of yourself! Not everyone practices their citizenship in the same manner as you. Allow for a difference of opinion, ferchrissakes. Ooh, and next he'll tell you you are stealing from your employer, Sobo. Mess with a sociopath and that's what to expect.
  23. LOL. Funny how you never say that to your buddy rob, j_b or Ivan, or... Keep trying though - I really don't care a wit for what a sociopath like you expects or wants from others.
  24. Still smarting from Jim's utter annihilation of you yesterday, eh, j-bot?
  25. Why would you do that? Disagree with the local sociopath and he'll drop straight to insults.
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