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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Lick sack.
  2. what's your fucking point, j_bot? besides the one on your pin-head, that is?
  3. what's your fucking point, j_bot?
  4. You can meet us at Timberline and warm the seat and have the drinks ready when we return from the summit.
  5. You really are profoundly retarded.
  6. You quoted JayB dipshit. Learn to use the internet. My post stands - substitute KK for JayB - you are making shit up!
  7. Jay claimed pesticide use is not an "issue"? He claimed he is "moderate"? Again, you are making shit up.
  8. run on sentences parenthetical, tangential, unnecessary qualifiers more evidence of a profoundly diseased mind
  9. Get your butt over here and we'll climb AND I'll bring some Aberlour. Hood is looking good right now!
  10. You mean, like this?
  11. You've evidently got "trace amounts" of functioning neurotransmitters.
  12. I just poured an Aberlour for you. It's waiting.
  13. cue up FW's latest screen capture of j_bot-speak
  14. j_bot is finally showing us his true feelings about the death of the glorious leader of the People's Republic of NK... and it only took how many posts for us to see what we already knew? = j_bot - the epitome of Lenin's "polyeznyj idiot"
  15. j_bot is finally showing us his true feelings about the death of the glorious leader of the People's Republic of NK... and it only took how many posts for us to see what we already knew? Red-baiting again. You clearly have limited talents. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....
  16. j_bot is finally showing us his true feelings about the death of the glorious leader of the People's Republic of NK... and it only took how many posts for us to see what we already knew?
  17. In j_bot's Marxist vision capitalism is 'freedumb'. 'Nuf said.
  18. Yeah, bro-ham, like, chill-out.
  19. See, you claim to be offended when I point out that you align with the far right fringe yet red-baiting of your opponents flows out of your mouth as if it were second nature. What a surprise (not). I never claimed to be "offended" by your tactics. Once again you are making up what I say. Par for the course from you. I don't need to "red-bait" w/r/t you, j_bot. You show your true red color with every capitalist-hating-post. Most of the people on the left of center on this site are not Marxists like you, btw, so quit using the term "opponents", unless you are including your buddy Prole. The two of you are a perfect match for each other, and pretty much pariahs for everyone else.
  20. You say that like its a bad thing. Once he hits 40 or 45 he'll see that "probably" will be become a certainty for both events.
  21. Similar hysteria occurred when Stalin died, with many being crushed at his funeral. That's what happens when people of your political persuasion take control, deify their leaders, elevate the state to absolute authority, and otherwise poison the minds and souls of the people they lead.
  22. Don't worry j_bot, I'll make it very clear when you engage in your tactics over the next few days.
  23. "record of warmongering" - whatever that is supposed to mean - has nothing to do with this thread. War, support of specific wars or political regimes that have been involved in wars have nothing to do with morons who reject vaccinntions of their children, and think it will make them stronger to suffer through the measles, hooping cough, or whatever. Again, you change the subject, attribute and make up positions of your opponents on unrelated subjects. "regressive talking points" - more of the same. Stick to the topic at hand for once, you brain-addled, profoundly retarded civil-servant.
  24. Scrolling up we find: The topic here is vaccinations and the type of people who stupidly reject them. You conflate this issue with "corporate 'food' ruining people's health" - a totally different issue. You accuse JayB of having some position on this totally unrelated issue. Then you go on to duck the question of political affiliation of folks who refuse to vaccinate and bring in "religion" with no backup whatsover to any point that we can see. So, as I claim you conflate issues, make up the positions of your interlocutors, etc. Want to deny it some more? I can repeat this exercise for the next 10 times you do this (meaning probably all in the next 24 hours).
  25. How would you describe the politics of the non-vaccinating folks in Vashon and Ashland, kemosabe? I have no idea but you ought to know plenty about it considering that you brought up this particular topic a half dozen times (yet you never bring up for example how corporate "food" is ruining people's health, which surely is a much more significant issue/crisis than a few people refusing vaccination). So lets see how you know who these people are as group and whether their political orientation rather than say religion is relevant to this issue. But, none of this addresses your disingenuously conflating the refusal of vaccination with avoiding pesticides and other things mentioned previously. "disingenuously conflating" - are you fucking serious? Every single point you respond to involves YOU conflating that issue with half a dozen others, your interlocutors purported voting history, phantom positions he holds, and a dozen other random, unrelated bits of nonsense that you spew onto the screen.
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