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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Did you inherit a French-English dictionary recently or what? That's like the third time today you've thrown out those catchy phrases de Paris. As-tu un problème avec cette? vielleicht bevorzugst du etwas auf Deutsch zu lesen?
  2. Now you guys have gone and done it. Awakened a sleeping giant, you have. Shit's gonna be a-comin' done on y'all now fer sure... ask her to climb... she'll scamper away again tout de suite! ;-)
  3. doesn't this screen shot make it seem the whole thing is a dog-food commercial? Or one for Viagra... or for ED.. a la Bob Dole style ;-)
  4. Note the ring on the left hand. That pic was from, like, 5 years ago... But that stoopid fucking ring is gone now. And those stoopid pictures of stoopid fucking rabbits are fucking gone, too. And so's that stoopid fucking couch. There's a lot of stoopid fucking shit that ain't here anymore, and I'm stoopid fucking happy for it... Hey now Sobo, remember: "keep on minding your manners and keeping it breezy! " Breezy! ;-) or not... [video:youtube]rTIDAfthQ6k
  5. Note the ring on the left hand. That pic was from, like, 5 years ago... But that stoopid fucking ring is gone now. And those stoopid pictures of stoopid fucking rabbits are fucking gone, too. And so's that stoopid fucking couch. There's a lot of stoopid fucking shit that ain't here anymore, and I'm stoopid fucking happy for it... Hey now Sobo, remember: "keep on minding your manners and keeping it breezy! " Breezy! ;-)
  6. Hey... and you are looking svelt there too :-) my pic coming soon...
  7. Initiative? What initiative? There was no initiative!
  8. It's kind of like posting in a thread all day and having it disappear, n'est-ce pas?
  9. You play guitar? Post a pic or two of your axe here. (Anything to switch from the usual spray fare would nice today.)
  10. fair enough!
  11. Sobo, sobo, sobo... always favor freshly squeezed juice to the mixed stuff.
  12. 70 years... holy shit... I remember when it was only 35. Thanks for the reminder Sobo!
  13. The gully can be safely downclimbed w/o a rap if the snow conditions are favorable. Just use your judgement on site. :-)
  14. If they don't do it, maybe Obama could take a cue from you and threaten sexual violence against their family members?
  15. are you running virus / spyware scan software? the behavior you describe makes me think something malicious is going on.
  16. Which can be quite mellow if the snow conditions are right.
  17. Definitely need to bookmark that one for the next kevbone thread. That site rules McAfee didn't like it much...
  18. As I said... it was for your edification. I know he's a lost cause.
  19. No. Yes, it's me... the one punching himself all day long. You called it 'boner!
  20. "starring in" or "staring at" "none have" Those were for your edification, Sobo ;-)
  21. Boner is like the monkey in the enclosure that flings his poo, picks his butt and licks his finger, and pleasures himself - all for the reaction from the onlookers.
  22. So on one hand you try to take the argument down to the level of zygote and pretend that this is where the "nuanced" debate lies--never mind that this was not even part of anyone's premise here. Then you turn around and say that the picture I posted is, in fact, a candidate for abortion while you try to impress us all with your 9th grade Brennanesque legal mind and your 8th grade knowledge of biology? And just in case anyone here actually decides to take you seriously, you throw in some disparaging remarks about my wife and family. Wow, you really are a piece of work. Absolutely amazing. What an asshole. And don't forget he's off lecturing endlessly in another thread about good manners.
  23. cook pic of kevbone!
  24. King of the ass candles is much more fitting. Just sayin... Indeed.
  25. Who? RON PAUL!!!
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