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Everything posted by barkernews

  1. But it's still ski season!!!!! You guys suck! I'm jealous. Great TR.
  2. barkernews

    Hey Dru

    Channel 8 sucks
  3. That's CRAZY scary. I knew it was dangerous and tree-wells were a potential threat, but jeez. Does anyone have any stats on yearly deaths because of this?
  4. barkernews


    I just snarfed my coffee all over my keyboard. That's wrong. And not safe for the office.
  5. I thought it was pretty interesting. The photography was excellent, considering the conditions. Anyone know when the K2 story airs again?
  6. Good luck! Unless you're in Boulder or Bend, you'll think Portland is great. We have a good climbing community that's actually pretty tight. I was frankly surprised at how little climbing there is outside of Portland when I moved here two years ago. I was in Albuquerque (Albuquerkistan, I called it) before here and there was TONS of climbing within a half hour of town. Same with Denver. So the access isn't as good as some western cities. But it's still a WONDERFUL city. And you'll grow numb to driving three hours to get to Smith. It's worth the drive. And Vantage is five hours away. You'll love it.
  7. Yeah. It's the credit card company's fault... not the toolshed with the Audi, fancy new rack, ArcTeryx gear and $30K in CC debt.
  8. I run in bicycle lanes, even though I could run on the sidewalk.
  9. Wow. That's scary. What was the avy danger on Sunday below 6,000? Wasn't it considerable or high? Glad you're OK. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I'm moving to Seattle... Washington's getting hammered and Oregon's getting hosed.
  11. Broncos Beer Powder
  12. Just make sure you take a helmet... The place is a friggin bowling alley.
  13. A hangover. A new helmet. New telemark bindings. Now wew just need snow!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Sucky Weather + Christmas = One empty bottle of whiskey
  15. Snowmobiling?!?!?!?!?!?!
  16. No. We wimped out, slept late and skinned up towards Triangle Moraine. It was actually pretty sweet. We parked in Govy, hitched to Timberline and skinned up. The ride back down was great. Alpine was pretty icy, though. We're gonna wait until there's more snow... Thanks for the advice!!!
  17. So... uh... does that mean Worm Flows is off limits still? I heard the sno-park was open. Are they patrolling above timberline somehow? Guess nobody's poaching... yet. And no, I'm not looking for a story. Just looking for some freshies.
  18. I'm thinking of skinning up to Crater Rock and trying to ski down the White River Glacier to Highway 35 tomorrow. Anyone done this that can offer any advice? Is this recommended? Any beta would be great! Thanks!
  19. I'm thinking of skinning up to Crater Rock and trying to ski down the White River Glacier to Highway 35 tomorrow. Anyone done this that can offer any advice? Is this recommended? Any beta would be great! Thanks!
  20. "Can I quit now? Can I come home?" Poser.
  21. Correct. Vancouver, Banff, Tahoe, Chamonix, the Val Gardena, Jungfraujoch, Taos, Portillo, Huaraz. But Bend isn't one of them. Terrain wise, anway. Best part about Bend is the lack of Texans. Or crowds. And Smith.
  22. Vail Resorts is offering the popular five-mountain Colorado Pass (season pass) for $349 and the three-mountain Buddy Pass for $309. 15,000+ Acres of skiing Bachelor - Adult Season Pass - $860 3,683 acres accessible by lift, with 1,600 acres groomed daily
  23. Ummm. Yeah. So Boulder isn't paradise. It's yuppiefied. And Bend is nice, but overpriced. But let's compare: Bend: Bachelor Sisters Jefferson Smith Boulder: Eldora A-Basin Loveland Winter Park/Copper/Breck/Keystone/Vail Rocky Mountain National Park Eldo Boulder Canyon Flatirons Golden Cliffs Clear Creek Canyon Job market No comparison.
  24. gym climbing is not climbing.
  25. Dude, If this hurricane season has taught me anything (besides the fact that eating MREs and living without a shower for two weeks in New Orleans sucks) it's that I will never, EVER live south of the Mason Dixon Line. Wouldn't you re-think living in Houston or New Orleans or Biloxi or Mobile or Tampa after a year like this? And it's only going to get worse...
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