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Everything posted by MisterMo

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. The obligatory corallary to your point is that since no one is obligated to rescue you no-one has the right to dictate your conduct on the oft tossed out grounds that "they are the ones that have to go out and pick up the pieces". More on the topic I place no judgement whatsoever on others' decisions to participate or not but I'm fully willing to take part in any hound rescues out this way.
  2. Re the comments in the linked thread about parking at the switchback: I wuz in the neighborhood a couple of weeks back. There were several cars parked there. No tickets in sight, no No Parking signs that I saw, & no sign of the law.
  3. SomebodyIonceknew had a hex placed on his neighbor for fucking his wife. The neighbor died shortly thereafter in a helicopter crash. I don't think a cam would have had quite the same effect.
  4. Dude, hardcore, whatever......... Fling no birds, por favor
  5. Massive bummer. I can sympathize. On the shelves above me are six thousand or so catalogued slides...my whole adult life...... Good thing I've got a spare bulb. Guess I'll be shopping more seriously for a scanner as well. Looking through the Nikon models it appears that dollars=speed, and also that the coolest ones require lots of memory and a fast processor, meaning that I'll probably have to break down & buy a new demon box at the same time. Either way it'll take LOTS of rainy days to get all those pix to disk.
  6. Gates not opening under body weight was common with old timey stuff like Bedayns which were otherwise perfectly OK. Gates which would open under body weight had the selling point that they worked much better for aid. If your biner is 'rated' and appears otherwise undamaged I wouldn't worry too much. OTOH something like a locker where failure=death and cost=cheap I would toss in a heartbeat if I lost confidence for some reason. Biners both flex a lot and break easily with their gates open as looking at gate open vs gate closed test data will tell you. They're simply not intended for high gate open loads. I think easy opening under body weight was first engineered by increasing clearance for the pin in the latch rather than stiffening the frame to any significant extent.
  7. Everything is damp at the moment. It sprinkled a bit at dusk but not raining now. I don't know a forecast but I can put up the actual conditions around 7 AM or so if there is interest.
  8. I'm not on the BG, but........... You seem pretty snooty about what I might be riding, and You're obviously hung up on what I might be wearing, and You think you're pretty cool that you can go fast on something you don't even think enough of to take an oil can to........, and You think I've got issues? Fuck you Next I'll probably catch hell for being too slow for Snow Creek Wall or something.
  9. I don't think much short of land mines & machine guns is going to stop the boys up there in ORV heaven.......I'd be happy just to stop the small fraction of pigs. Is someone bringing a chain saw? I might just wander down with mine if not (for the blowdowns on the trail).
  10. I once apon a time watched Bruce Carson fall on a traversy thing on Sunset Slab at Peshastin. He tried the running thing, then tripped. I will never forget the loud THWACK sound his (helmeted) head made hitting the rock.......and I was clear over by Dinosaur Tower. Before, since, and ever on and after I've been a 'sit on my ass & slide' kinda guy.......
  11. Yer a climber aren't you? Go to lower Index Town Wall & wander up the RR tracks a squinch past the hole in the wall. Frogs & pollywogs galore........beevers........mosquiteers......wood ducks.......whole food chain.
  12. I don't get it. Buried in a couple of threads is info on a really good & worthy cause (The Sam Hill purchase deal,) yet the entrance page for this site, where such info would beg to be placed is taken up by a blurb for an event that will take place.......about six months ago. Are y'all tired of being web tycoons or ????????? I attempted to post this to ccnews but it appears I'm not allowed to do that.
  13. ........and how many years have you been in.....junior high school?
  14. Morris Chevrolet?
  15. Photoshop is not necessary here. Name the pro and the shoes and win a cracked eye inch and a half angle.
  16. Ellen McIlwaine I Don't Want to Play
  17. I just checked. It's not there now. It's not the tree at the top of P3. Maybe a base jumper, much too out in the open for the local tweaker/cookers.
  18. "D=Black Tusk" = Gunn F = Merchant C = The thing at the head of Bitter Creek that screams "Ski Me" until you get a view of the unskiable cliffs, brush and crap below it. A&B are points on Jumpoff Ridge above Tom, Dick, and Harry Lakes I'm prettty sure...although A could be Spire, a little further east.......I'll peek here in a little bit E & G don't have names except colloquial ones. E is kind of on the way to Gunn and G is a subsidiary summit of Merchant H has me intrigued a little bit; it's East of the head of Barclay Creek and probably on the other side of the Beckler.
  19. It's being a fairly normal spring in terms of precip, lately anyhow. If summer were even a squinch on the wettish side I bet there's no fire issue at all. Or......... we could all fry......
  20. I knew Don but was not present at his accident. As I recall he slipped on snow descending from Aasgard Pass in the winter, slid a great distance, and died shortly thereafter from a head injury. I cnnot remember the year but it was in the 1970's.
  21. Wood buildings vanish fairly quick. Machinery is pretty much forever. Check out Kennecott AK if you ever get near it. Fairly fascinating place. Abandoned since, I think, 1938.
  22. I have one Gore Tex thing that I think works really well. It's a Feathered Friends down sleeping bag. the Gore Tex outer does a good job of keeping dew, frost & even mist out away from the feathers when I'm not in a tent or something. I was skeptical when I bought it but I'm a believer now. As far as clothing I agree with what's been said here that if you're working hard nothing will breathe adequately AND keep the rain out. My 'work' rain gear (thousand pound Grundens) does the best job of keeping me dry but it's way to heavy for mountain use. Second choice is Patagucci Dimension (?) soft shell thing: works pretty well even in your basic downpour. Last choice in the current arsenal is Marmot PreCip. Bought it for biking; it's OK on the flat and descending, but pit zips or no, it's a fucking Turkish bath on the climbs. Nice and light though, wads up pretty small. If you're just walking a poncho is pretty hard to beat.
  23. A relative's wife, out here for the August swim 'n' visit, actually asked me how all the water got "up there". She caught on pretty quick when I told her it was piped.
  24. see: Beckey, Fred Challenge of the North Cascades P9
  25. Value-mines, wasn't it? As proof that I'm a genuine geezer, I have a picture of my wife sitting in my old car right next to the old mine building. You could still drive to them in the early 1980s. Valumines was the name of the company; I always just referred to it as the Boston Mine. They were in limited operation in the mid 70's. Finding the Boston Basin trail in those days involved finding and following the black plastic water pipe above the mine. The Cascade Pass trail started at the mine as well and was much shorter than the existing one. Regarding the obliteration and "rehabilitation" of the mine site I hope there's room for another point of view: that the obliterators and rehabbers have either no sense of history or a very finely focused one, and that removal of all traces pretty much amounts to an act of vandalism. The bunkhouse had been pretty much destroyed by a snowslide but I submit that the concentrator should have been left intact. Mining, like it or not, is an important part of Cascades history. This isn't meant as a troll, BTW, though I admit it's probably pretty non-PC.
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