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Everything posted by Blakej

  1. Trip canceled due to weather being lame. Stuck scrambling in the olys again. Thanks for all the advice.
  2. Also look at getting a guide at Olympic mountaineering up in port angeles if you think you have questionable skills. Guided olympus trips through them are I think under 200 so might be worth it for you not to waste your time getting there and then finding out its too much for you.
  3. AaronB nice porn where was that taken from?
  4. Well here's my plan as like you I'm working on building my experience. Assuming you have some time before your intended climb of Rainier I would worry about all the other great climbing in Washington and build your experience and then go. Like you I want the experience more than the summit. I think once you begin gaining climbing experience that a Rainier summit wont be that far away and unlike payed clients you will have the joy of climbing it on your own and not feeling like you were just drug up the mountain.
  5. Sweet. Thanks guys
  6. To contradict my last post I love exposure. Its the feeling that makes me want to climb but it does limit me and I need more of it to be that guy walking that 6inch snow ridge that just drops on both sides. I want that but like I said I would hate to be in the position to make my team retreat. Any suggestions of what to expect on this route?
  7. I've been invited to join a group headed up the 50 classics route on Forbidden. I'm a strong enough climber and all but I must admitt I dont have much high alpine experience and its been quite a while since I was up really high on a technical climb. Exposure when say there is the potential for a nasty pendulum is the major concern as it tends to get me a bit sketched. I'd hate to put these guys in a position to retreat on a great climb. So how is the exposure? Does the rock feel solid and fairly straight forward for a follower? Advice?
  8. Ugh...since the MRE was brought up try these combos. Mix the chocolate powder with a little water to make paste. add the peanut butter and crackers. instant crunchy reeses. heat with included matches and add match sticks to mixture for a decidely smokey flavor. Mix jap cheeze with the meatloaf and crumbled crackers for a tasty treat. The best is the enchalada. Just mix everything togather and you'll be alright.
  9. Sounds like I missed out on an intriguing pub meeting. work sucks!
  10. Gotta retort to the almighty dru. No shit, but I'm a beginner and even the best have their feet fall out from underneath them at some time or another. On a steep slope or somthing. What decent climber wouldn't be prepared for such a situation. Just like a good boyscout always be prepared.....
  11. John truly a weekend though I must admit I got a bit sketched on the boulder ridge traverse attempt (possibly having to do with those nice hunks of rock you sent down with your pack to me). Simply nasty. Definately worth the time if for no more than the solitude. What next?!! As long as your buying the Taco Time I'm up for the drive. Greasy crisp burritos mmmmmmmmm.
  12. Speaking out of complete ignorance but it seems like fender four hit it. I'll take a bum ankle or whatever over sitting in the bottom of a crevasse seriously mangled or dead anyday.
  13. I recently realized while on a trip that I had never attempted to arrest with a large pack on and that this might make a significant change in technique and ability to arrest a slide. I seems like every arrest practice I've heard of really doesn't really do this either. Anyone noticed a big difference? Offer advice? It seems that if your axe is strapped into your hand opposite of the side your sliding on it would be fairly difficult to roll over into the proper arrest position. I'll probobly go test this theory this week but any suggestions would be helpful.
  14. cant do this weekend but if you dont find another partner and want to do it the weekend after I'm game. pm me.
  15. dont know if this has been considered in washington but when I was passing through colorado and bought a fishing licence you paid an additional 5 dollars or so as rescue insurance. This (as explained to me) would cover you in any wilderness rescue situation. I for one would be open to paying an additional few dollars for a volcano pass or somthing of the sort if it covered me for valid rescues. If all people who choose to use the backcountry for their recreation were required to pay such a fee it might significantly offset the cost of rescues and provide some kind improvements in our current systems.
  16. I've been listening to the count down for 4 years on the radio. Now I have to find a way to break the news to the girl.
  17. Has anyone attempted the poet range traverse? Peak name are David, Jonathon, Longfellow, Bryant, and then connecting with kodiak pass the the indian creek trail out. Is this a fairly safe undertaking for a solo trekker? If you've done it how long did it take?
  18. oooooooooooooh sucks for you. Thats what you get for going to college. Next thing you'll know you'll have a wife and three kids to fund and no play money.
  19. This is why I have no desire even to aspire to an everest climb. I think I speak for a majority when I say that I want to feel secluded and independent when I climb a peak. Atleast for me? Sure theres nothing wrong with grabbing a guide for a especially difficult climb that you want, but most guide services also have a focus on low impact, no trace ethics. From what I understand everest is a trash heap. What respectable climber would dump his trash on such a beautiful mountain. I understand that its a great undertaking and sometimes you have to cut and run but to climb and dump on your way is just irresponsible.
  20. requirements for my house: 1)room for basement boulderwall 2)crawling distance from local brewhouse 3)mountain view 4)must have shagpad potential
  21. I acutally considered buying a 30K piece of land and putting a shack on it but it seems there are laws on what you can use as a domicile. I mean whos to say that a cat hole isn't a perfectly sufficient bathroom.
  22. I've been searching for a home for the last 6 months. Everything is way too overpriced for the product in Bremerton. I mean really who is willing to live in a crack house in bremerton for 140K. jjd I didn't pay rent on time because I lost track of time. Sure I was in the wrong but 50 bucks!!!
  23. Just payed my rent late by a day after a year of living here and they hit me with a 50dollar charge. What a buch of dicks. Its not like rent up here isn't grossly overpriced as it is.
  24. can you get me a = thong must have one!
  25. Work and more work listening to little bitches that think the ER is there for their cold.
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