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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. WHOOO HOOOO!! What a freak'in hotty!!
  2. mmmmm.... Alaskan Winter Ale. Maybe not quite my favorite winter brew, (that'd have to be Snowcap or Wassail), but i DO like the spruce needles... think they give it a very nice woodsy taste. Apparently, spruce tips were a common beer ingredient during colonial times, partially cuz of their preservative qualities. Only one of the many batches of beer I've brewed included spruce needles, but it was so-damn-good. (if I may say so meself) i gotta get back into brewing some day.... maybe just maybe this autumn. Wow...Thanks for that bit of history! I feel soo much smarter! YEAH!! I like! So, is it the spruce needles that make tanqueray taste so sprucey??
  4. Kitergal


    ooo!! Ooo!! Pick me! Pick me! I'll take 'em!!
  5. Kitergal


    That was the worse music I've ever heard! I listened to no money fun...and I wanted to shoot myself!! Very, very annoying.
  6. Kitergal


    yeah..I'm bored...and I used to come here for entertainment....and I'm totally dissapointed! what's the deal-e-o??
  7. ok. we really do live in a messed up world. Wow.
  8. Kitergal

    what's up

    There was free beer at Smith. But it was warmer in Vantage!! Tank tops and shorts I tell ya!!
  9. Is someone smoking? Or is that a ghost in the picture??? Do you see smoke?
  10. Ooh, nice. This is my favorite. I agree! I agree!! I like this one!!
  11. Kitergal

    A Snaffle For Muffy

    Wow man...Eric8 dood...that was deep!
  12. I took both...as well as the full myers at work...and every single time...they come out the same! ENTP. Guess it can't be that wrong...
  13. umm I believe that should be WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! I'm not entirely sure I've ever heard a dog go WOOT.
  14. misleading thread titles...
  15. plumbers crack....always seems to be on the fat dudes too. SEATTLE DRIVERS!! People don't know how to freak'in drive around here!! Work. sure wish I could get paid every two weeks for doing nothing but having fun!!
  16. Wow..I am so dissapointed! The title of this thread is AMAZINGLY misleading!!
  17. Wow...I will never get those 20 minutes of my life back....
  18. OMFG!! I FREAK'IN LOVE THIS! You rock! Thanks! I can go home now!!
  19. I'm bored....please come up with something to entertain me with ....
  20. Kitergal

    floppy disks

    and gay??
  21. Knotzen....GAWD I LOVE YOU! That's JUST what I needed to see on a dreary Monday afternoon!!
  22. please explain...wtf this "love-fest" is? what's the weather gonna be like?? I've never been to Smith...is there fun EASY climbs..or is it all pretty advanced??
  23. Kitergal

    floppy disks

    nice stomach
  24. Kitergal

    The Hermit in me

    Yeah, it's definately the change in the weather...all of a sudden hiking in the rain, or climbing in the slush just doesn't seem like fun anymore....I just want to crawl up in a blankie with my pup on my couch and drink hot tea and watch movies. ohh..and eat. I always seem to eat more when the weather goes south. LET IT SNOW!! Once the snow starts..then we can PLAY AGAIN!!! It's this crappy in between weather that pisses me off!!
  25. Let it snow!! Let it snow!! Let it snow!! I can't wait to get some turns in!! shall we all place a wager on when the first resort (around here...including baker, whistler, and hood) opens?? I say...Whistler will open first...and a week before Thanksgiving!! anyone...anyone?
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