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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. baby..your so hott...you put the sun outta business!! that's my fav! I use it all the time!!
  2. Kitergal

    New graemlin

    it looks like one of my "toys"....I kinda like it! Squid..if you don't use it..I will!!
  3. Kitergal

    Life Imitates Art

    wow..is his last name really Plentyhorse??
  4. Kitergal

    Care Package

    dirty magazines!!!!!
  5. OMFG!! That is the cutest pic!!!
  6. wow...who got my halloween picture??
  7. hello! I'm here! did ya'all like miss me and stuff?? I love you guys!! How was your weekends? Mine KICKED SERIOUS ASS!! toodles!!
  8. MisterE....wtf avitar is that?? what is going on...I can't quite make it out!!
  9. and I'll bring the shot gun!! I'm fairly local as well!!
  10. You both win! I actually work off of two computers at work...a PC for excel and data base crap..and a mac for all my design work. Yup..ya'all are jealous huh?? hee hee..NOT!!
  11. I love you guys!! LOTS!! Thank you! Got it!
  12. k. but that doesn't work in freehand!!
  13. Ok. I need to add the Trademark symbol to a bunch of our companies logos....anyone know the keyboard shortcut that gets you the TM with a circle around it? I know there is one....I stumbled upon it before.... Thanks
  14. Man..I need to get on here earlier!! You stole my line!!
  15. although..I would think about changing the venue to a location closer to the show.....so it's easier for people to "walk" to it!
  16. that's a possibility...but some of us have a LONG drive home....and have to get up EARLY for work!! We'll see....It's definately an option!
  17. Congrats Minx!! that's awesome!!
  18. no the timmy o'neil (chicks only) pre-funk is already scheduled at a non-disclosable location....ideally...not near you!
  19. yeah..pointing is rude!!
  20. After reading this, I just can not... can NOT... believe that you were a cheerleader. Impossible. Are you making fun of me??? I'm not sure...but I'm pretty sure you are....that is just not nice!!
  21. Q:What do you call a cougar golfing with an IQ of 120? A: - A foursome!
  22. I'll show you a lair.....
  23. As of 2004 UW has won 63 times, WSU 28, and there have been 6 ties.
  24. yeah see..they suck worse than we do!! Or do they suck better?? hmmmm....
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