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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. I don't care about no frigg'in record...I JUST WANT TO SEE THE SUN AGAIN!!!
  2. you get to see the sound?? Dood..I stare at the greyhound bus station! All sorts of sketchy people and drug deals go on all day! Police riots, people cuffed and dragged, etc. Lot's of excitement in my corner of the world...really...
  3. blue? umm yeah..no blue here.
  4. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    I dunno...I think they're kinda saggy
  5. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    I thought you weren't gonna post anymore!! LIAR!! You are a man huh??
  6. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    besides..short guys need love too!!
  7. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    Actually it's because they are all midgets. I bet the average height on this page is like 5'7" is this why Marie won't go out with any of them? Nah..I don't judge men by the size of their...ohh wait...wrong thread!!
  8. Kitergal

    100 Acre Wood

    that's just gross...
  9. Kitergal

    100 Acre Wood

    Why is everything about poo today??
  10. I did that once...
  11. nice umm...package??
  12. Kitergal


    who dat?
  13. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    OMFG...look what you started Arch!!!
  14. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    I am soo suffering from cabin fever right now...seriously ready to climb the office walls!! I'm sick of the rain, I'm sick of working, sick of school and I'm sick of not being able to go outside and PLAY!! Tho hitt'in the slopes and the the river this weekend! PLAY TIME!!
  15. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    OMFG!! I just spit coffee everywhere!!
  16. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    The 3rd leg scares most women, it's a good idea. Ohh Please...I shit bigger than you!!
  17. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    cj...CHANGE YOUR Gawd dang avitar!! IT DRIVES ME FREAK'IN BUGGY!!!!
  18. Kitergal


    hmm..not sure if my pink leg warmers would fly with the gang bang crowd!!
  19. Kitergal


    hmm..what about blue eyeshadow??
  20. Kitergal


    sooo..what you guys are saying is....black eyeliner is bad??
  21. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    c'mon man! take what you can get!!
  22. Kitergal

    climbing girls

    Question....Why get into a relationship anyways?? Why not be completely satisified with who you are, what you do, and the interests you have....have a ton of good friends, good times, and good sex?? This dedicated to the one and only crap...is a bunch of crap!! Way too many rules, strings, and feelings to worry about! (Yes..I'm a woman on a mission!)
  23. Hey...Nordstrom corporate office....the cafe. Called the Dish. It's open to the public...and it's HIGHLY subsidized. 10th floor. The courthouse cafe is also sweet! Super yumm and pretty cheap! By the gym in the convention center...underneath...Not sure what it's called..but it's the juice place. They have AWESOME brown rice and vegi bowls...the thai curry is super yumm!! There's always subway. And taco del mar...double punch mondays!! WC...You work in my neck of the woods....
  24. Good too see ya'all are as miserably bored as I am!!
  25. OK, I'll admit: there are times when helmets get in the way and should not be used. REMOVE THE HELMETS!!!
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