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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. umm why? Why would you want your underwear to be visible to the public?!?! I mean really!! which is worse...the underwear sightings or the plumbers crack sightings? They seem to be just as common these days!! UGGG!!
  2. Kitergal


    yeah..I saw that on the bbc. I spit my water out my nose....what a freak'in joke!
  3. Hey fellow forcasters....What's the weather gonna be like over in Tieton?
  4. Kitergal


    is she cute?? Only handcuff yourself to her is she's cute.
  5. umm..yeah. Missed that!!
  6. Whats so Freak'in good about this God damn morning....huh?? what? WHAT??
  7. Crap...It didn't help.
  8. hmm are you sure that's it?? That doesn't seem right...ohh well...as long as it works...that's all that matters. I LOVE YOU ARCH!!
  9. Seriously!! What was that damn site!!
  10. Wouldn't you like to know!!
  11. ok. A while ago someone posted a website where you can look up all kinds of personal information on a website...like your home address, phone number and all sorts of personal crap.... what was that website?? I tried doing a search..but I have no idea what I'm searching for!! HELP!!
  12. gee surprise surprise. Anything for attention and sponsorship dollars...hmmm was he running out of money already?
  13. Kitergal


    yeah, can't you just hear Jon saying that!! HA HA!!
  14. Kitergal


    yeah..that was my fav too!! SOO FUNNY!
  15. Kitergal


    wow..others really are as bored as I am!!
  16. Kitergal

    Martial Law

    Wow...sorry he wasn't more help!! You should look him up when you get there....he'll for sures hook ya up with a place to stay...at least for a couple of nights. He lives in a freak'in mansion....he prob wouldn't even know you guys were there!! Did ya keep his name? If not..I'll PM ya it.
  17. Kitergal

    Martial Law

    Hey..did my buddy who lives there ever get back to you?? Was he any help?
  18. Lyger- Did you have as much fun in that little town as I did?? OMFG! I'm still laughing as I recall some of the events that took place!! -M
  19. did that dood. can't get them off the freak'in rim though....seriously..I think I bashed my rim to all hell. btw..how do you get the back tire OFF the bike??
  20. btw Jon- It took me 3 hours to pry my tire off my bike....now I can't get the new one on...what am I doing wrong here???
  21. Kitergal


    no pictures PLEASE!! GROSS!! That is just sick
  22. k. that just makes me sick.
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