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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Got dumped by yet another guy on Friday (Actually ran into him and a "date" at the tom petty concert friday night...maybe I did the dumping??) Regardless Saturday danced 1/2 naked on a bar, made out with the pizza delivery guy that I hitched a ride with to the other side of ellensburg (it was a long walk!! Who cares if he's only 17!!) Ended up doing a stip tease on top of some team ropers trailer (yes..I was in Ellensburg for the rodeo) and my friends had to carry me back to the truck after I passed out. Sunday- A repeat of Saturday...minus the pizza delivery guy. ... Guess I pulled the "so cowboy, how'd you do today" to some famous cowboy in the beer garden. got the response "Umm not so good ma'am...got bucked off" to which I Did the "too bad, soo sad, look at what you could of had" cheer too. Yeah, don't remember much else. CRAZY WEEKEND!! Monday- SLEPT! Ran for 2 hours pissed off and recapping the ex, and laughed hysterically with my friends over the phone recapping my...umm...behavior! Ohh I love being young and dumb!!
  2. Kitergal


  3. Where I work, all staff donations are being met, and the money is being sent directly to the Community Health Centers and hospitals that need it. Because we're a member of the National Association of Community Health Centers...we're also in contact with the area hospitals and clinics. We know exactly what the need...and how to send it to them. Why? because we're side stepping the gov. We're also accepting patients from the affected states at our local affilate clinics and hospitals, arranging transportation for them etc. PRETTY FREAK'IN SAD this work isn't already being done by emergancy response teams, etc. but glad that we can help in our small way.
  4. Kitergal

    Martha vs Maxine

    I think you got the spelling wrong....Martha vs Marie!
  5. Kitergal

    Cabin Fever

    I believe Oly the line is... This Morn'in, I just shot 6 holes in my freezer, I think I got cabin fever, Somebody sound the alarm. yes..by Jimmy Buffett, WHOM I'm currently reading his book "A Salty Piece of Land"
  6. DOOD! I'm soo there! I'm leaving tonight! I LOVE THE ELLENSBURG RODEO!! I've gone every year since I was 3 years old. I haven't actually watched the rodeo in like 10 years (too busy hitting on boys in the beer garden) but I LOVE IT!! YEAH FUN!! I'll either be wearing my pink cowboy hat or my leapard print with fake fur around the rim hat. Say Hi if you see me!!
  7. Hey, I could use the generator as well.... K. you let me know what you guys are bringing...and I'll pack accordingly!
  8. He's huge...and not fixed. (Scooter is though so I let them play!). I'm not sure how old. He's a freak'in awesome looking dog though. I can load him up and meet ya somewhere tonight if you want to take a look-see.
  9. so my dog brought herself home a boyfriend last night. Anyone want a black lab....But I mean..a HUGE black lab. I swear he's probably got great dane in him..he's enourmous!! I'll take pics tonight and have someone post for me on Monday. Good looking dog..he's just HUGE!! And honestly....I don't want another dog. my princess is enough!
  10. are there gonna be tunes there? do we get to dance naked by/on the campfire??
  11. can ya dance to it?? I wanna boogie!!
  12. Arch...I would have never pegged you as one with a 7 lb dog. I always invisioned a 100+ pounder!!
  13. New Favorite!! My hair might be a little to long For your taste my friend My car might cost a little less Then that suit your wearing I'm glad you stumbled in here on your business trip Before you close your tab Remember I play for tips Well I bet your wife is beautiful And your a really big so-and-so Well I'm not doing bad myself Hey friend don't you know I play guitar And I sing my songs in the sunshine Captain and cokes and bar room jokes Keep me feeling fine And there's always a stage And a beautiful babe to squeeze my line In my simple way Guess you could say I'm living in the big time
  14. Umm....yeah. What was James and the Giant Peach really about?? I mean Really??
  15. I hear (I mean read) an echo in here!!!!!!
  16. it's about the reaches of the peaches
  17. Take a little naps where the roots all twist Squished a rotten peach in my fist And dreamed about you, woman, I poked my finger down inside Make a little room for it to hide Nature's candy in my hand or can or a pie
  18. Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man In a factory downtown If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every day Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade
  19. mov'in to the country...gonna eat a lot of peaches...
  20. wasting space?? are you kidding me? Isn't that what CC is about??
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