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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. I don't like his politics but his social commentary (Bobos In Paradise) is dead-on...
  2. It's The Second Coming of The Nodder!
  3. Anyone wanna carpool some night this week? I can leave at 4-ish from the eastside. PM me if interested
  4. Gary, I think they were referring to your 70's fashion sense... Considering that the source thinks "Thenceforce" is a word, he might have just been comparing you to... THE JIGGLER
  5. snugtop

    Photo question

    I've seen the D70 for less than $900. Shop around.
  6. snugtop

    Dream Job

    -low supervision -creative work -requires critical thinking -liquid lunches
  7. You also die more (and younger) of cancer, heart disease and probably a million other ills. I'm a new vegan. I have been reborn!!
  8. So that You can PORK out. I was happy. I had a life. I died for your sins! You drink of my blood, you eat of my flesh.
  9. snugtop


    Yes, falling asleep during your first viewing of Star Wars...I'm lucky if my man doesn't dump me!
  10. snugtop


    oh, the shame of it! (Did I mention I fell asleep in the middle?)
  11. snugtop


    Oly, now that yer a mod, can't you just delete the boring posts... BTW, my PM envelope is blinking--have you read it yet?
  12. snugtop


    That's OK, I've got one that makes 19K / year.
  13. snugtop


    cuz I have a thing for geomorphologists.
  14. snugtop


    This has got to be the most boring thread ever. Who the f*ck cares how long your commute is?
  15. snugtop

    Worst Haircut Ever?

    Look at that volume, body, and luster! Layton, what's your secret? Is it the beer wash or weekly V05 hot oil treatment?
  16. Squid's Prom Date: (He should be so lucky. She's one cool ductette!)
  17. Nodders patrol these waters...
  18. I smell Nodders in these parts.
  19. Yes, here's to Wayne1112 (not 1111) "keeping thick skin and staying strong with the spray" !
  20. snugtop

    The Snaffle

    Ain't no one in here it's a barren waste land cept for the ghost of Mr. E, it's told that he wanders these chat rooms...
  21. I meant to write "Muffy" but "Muffer" is funnier. Let it stand.
  22. I heard it was because of the love triange between him, Muffer & TheOtter.
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