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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. Back to the topic at hand...Marriage:
  2. actually I was coming home from climbing... As far as nothing better to do than spray, not to be catty, but I'm not in the 4-digit post catagory, like some otters here...
  3. Sweet. Snugtop = SWF "Hi, I'm new to climbing and..." Notice I was kind and did not update the age/weight stats. Sometime really had to sift through a lot of spray to dredge that one up! This was a troll written by a friend of mine (as I've explained many times) ...but really this is old, stale material, Arch...can't you get spray-tips from your pal Greg? PS: Since you wanted an update, I'm one year older and 1 lb lighter. Haven't checked my height though.
  4. ...or humpin da bitches? No he was pretty low-key. I yelled out "Hey Greg W.!" and I think I scared him.
  5. I couldn't tell ya. But I saw Greg at the dog park recently and I didn't see any reproductive organs.
  6. That's smugtop to you. Archenemy=Greg W. with ovaries.
  7. snugtop

    seattle smog

    Oly, you're spraying more than Dru these days, who btw, is MIA. Must be out climbing or something...
  8. snugtop

    seattle smog

    I think you're right...but where do we go from here??
  9. I'm aging really fast...faster than you!
  10. snugtop

    seattle smog

    This works perfectly--all the marrieds (or at least the ones you'd want to get rid of) live in Bellevue!
  11. What assumptions are those? So, basically, there are no conditions under which I could hold these opinions that are valid in your view? You must be married. Or desperately want to be married.
  12. I like how all the marrieds are up in arms. (It's easy to tell who they are) They are sadly in denial about the lame nature of their existence and how they have to hump the same person--the same person who farts in bed and has bad breath--forever and ever. (That is, if they haven't entered the "once a year" stage--where most marriages eventually lead) Marrieds are intensely jealous of us singles, because we're not chained down the way they are, and (at least those of us who don't have kids) have more money.
  13. Wiser words were never sprayed.
  14. I believe you mean humping partner. And you forget how many people are actually married, looking to cheat.
  15. resistance is futile. but so is explaining it to someone who hasn't figure this out.
  16. what's so private that you can't post on the board?
  17. Oh, um, what *is* that in Squid's signature, anyway? Where's Clintoris when we need him?
  18. No need to. See Squid's signature.
  19. As usual, Master Oly, you have shed some light on the topic. Or shed something.
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