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Everything posted by Bogen

  1. Hey, that's pretty good Ricardo!
  2. The advantage seems to be in the smaller sizes. Black Diamond #.5 New Cam0.80-1.3" 12 kN (3.4 oz) #.75 New Cam 0.96-1.58" 14 kN (4.1 oz) #1 New Cam 1.2-2.0" 14 kN (4.7 oz) #2 New Cam 1.5-2.5" 14 kN (5.6 oz) #3 New Cam 2.0-3.44" 14 kN (7.1 oz) #4 New Cam 2.6-4.5" 14 kN (9.8 oz) Trango
  3. Yeah, I think Griz nailed it, that is what it looks like.
  4. Anyway, you cum-gurgling, dope-smoking, tree-hugging, windshirt-wearing fop, how fucking hard is it to google a fucking a word before you start correcting someone? It's not like you're too fucking far away from your computer, and you sure as hell aren't too busy. editted to add a and a
  5. bol·lix also bol·lox Audio pronunciation of "bollix" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (blks) tr.v. Informal bol·lixed, also bol·loxed bol·lix·ing, bol·lox·ing bol·lix·es, bol·lox·es To throw into confusion; botch or bungle: managed to bollix up the whole project. Bunglehead Fuck, I wonder if that was on purpose!
  6. Fuck you, you first!
  7. Bogen

    Old Nuts

    I got my old fiber rope by trading a new rope for it! The old guy who originally had it said he used it on Mont Blanc once, many years before.
  8. Holy crap, it worked!
  9. It is made by "Blue Harbour." There is a ladies soft shell made by "Avia" that both my daughter and GF have and enjoy cycling and hiking, though I'm not sure it would be as good for climbing.
  10. No. none. Absolutely not. I can't comment much on its windproofness, cuz that's not much of an issue around here.
  11. 39 dollars. Lighter, more water resistant and breathes better than my MEC composite. It is also wider in the sleeve, allowing an insulative layer underneath, something I have trouble with in most "technical" softshells. Stitching seems solid so far, and it's made in Canada. Pockets open wide, and are set and cut to be above a harness. Claims, and seems to be, made for climbers! I paid 160 for my made-in-Thailand MEC composite, and its a piece of crap by comparison. Costco has another batch this week, and they won't last long.
  12. Nice TR Oleg! Glad to see you're getting out. Stuck ropes suck. Whats this tea and spaghetti nonsense? Shouldn't that be vodka and speck?
  13. Agreed. Though if the animal had been only stunned and woke up in the Jeep with some guy stroking it... I've come along deer on the side of the road twice that I thought were dead, only to have them leap up under my feet and scare the shit out of me!!
  14. would folks come to a slide show/party night somewhere closer,or is that too lame?
  15. Climbed wet granite at Nightmare rock near Squamish on Sunday.
  16. link and some really funny anti-propaganda propaganda! There is a film out, in my local video rental store, called "Faren-hype 911" that is a rebuttal to Moore's film. I guess that would be anti-anti-propaganda propaganda!!
  17. stoopid!
  18. Bogen

    Old Nuts

    Those boots are awesome!! What did you climb in them, and how were they? By the way, I'm looking for an old wooden ice axe to go with an old fiber climbing rope I have. Its just for casual living room display, so it doesn't need to be too special. Do you have you anything you could part with?
  19. Too add a tip to the above: A MADD sticker or little pink ribbon on your aerial is a good touch. I've been through many checkstops here in Canada after drinking. Every time the cops have been perfectly reasonable. I don't think they are looking for people who might blow over, they honestly are looking for people who are too drunk to drive. So long as you aren't drunk, you will be able to politely tell them you had a couple, and that you are on your way home.
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