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Everything posted by suckbm

  1. looking for a current photo showing coditions
  2. got any pictures showing the face?
  3. do you have a picture that shows the NE face by anychance?
  4. hey kevino are you a student at cwu? strobach will be in, last weekend i left ellensburg at 4am and was on ice there by 8.30.
  5. pretty sure burgner/stanley south face prusik is yet to see a FWA
  6. If doing a full 50m pitch that comes out to a screw every 20.5 feet. Sounds a little runout if your trying to push yourself. But if your following the rule never fall on ice then its maybe a good rule.
  7. hey kat, by any chance do you have an extra bed pan i can borrow?
  8. new to at skiing and wondering what type of all around skins would you recommend for a pair of 05 K2 Mt bakers 174s. Also noot sure what size is right.
  9. Possibly even though no service is shown on the screen, a call to 911 might still go through using other companies towers? not sure how it works, just an idea.
  10. Ive got a couple questions about bolting- - are there any good tutorials on how to bolt online? - how long does each bolt take to handrill in basalt? - what is the best type of bolt and size for eastern washington basalt?
  11. ive been told theres a new book in the making that will cover both leavenworth and goldbar bouldering. for now all there is is a makeshift guide to leavenworth that is sold at leavenworth mtn sports
  12. climbed frenchmann falls with alpinemonkey today. was a little warm and dripping with a lot of water flowing down the left side, and screws were not very strong. But fun and climable. Maybe craig will post some pictures
  13. i was happy with the service i got at pro mountains sports. no extra charge for fitting if you buy them there. takes about an hour. and they recommend buying a good insole and wearing the insole in your normal shoes to break them in before putting them in the intuition liners and fitting them.
  14. if i climb rock/gym for 7 plus days i start to get tennis elbow, soreness on the inside area of my elbow. usually if i take three days off after that it will mostly go away. If i stay away from overhanging routes this is less of a problem but was wondering if specific excersices, taping, supplements, or vitamins can help with this.
  15. where can you buy them and any types better than others?
  16. Im gonna be at classic crack by 1 on friday. anyone wanna start drinkin and climbin?
  17. are the kegs gonna be tapped on fri or not til sat?
  18. try the movie Gummo its the best movie I have ever seen
  19. Im a beginner skiier looking to buy AT skis.I have no idea what to buy. I want something i can use inbounds, backcountry, and for approaching climbs. Im 180 lbs and 6 ft tall and a size 12 foot. What kinda poles, boots, bindings, skiis, and skins are good. What lenghth of skis would you guys reccomend.
  20. Wanna give anymore info on what and where this is or is it a SECRET?
  21. looking for someone to do a day alpine climb tomorrow in the- stuart- sherpa- dragontail whatever- 5.8-5.10ish send me a pm. Erik
  22. DirtyHarry picture says 3 pitches. I think clockwork orange is a way hard bouldering problem at red rocks. Wouldnt want to name a route after a bouldering problem that was named after the movie which was named after the book.
  23. Already bought my books. Just selling gear to buy more gear.
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