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Everything posted by suckbm

  1. wild things makes a sweet pair of bibs made of event, worked pretty good so far
  2. anyone have anythoughts on how the shaft of the new bd cobra will resist wear and tear if used for drytooling and getting scraped against alot of rock.
  3. Trip: Peru- Cordillera Blanca- Tocllaraju - West Face Direct Date: 7/16/2007 Trip Report: jesse newman, craig gyselinck, and i hiked up the ishinca valley to basecamp on sunday after acclimatizing on vallunaraju 5686meters and an attempt on alpamayo 5947meters cutshort by a stomach virus. on monday craig and i left basecamp at 330pm. jesse stayed behind still feeling sick from alpamayo.craig and i reached the base of the face at about 8pm and began simulsoloing.we roped up for the 100meters to the ridge(80 degree ice)and reached the summit about 1am. the descent took 3 30meter rappels, some downclimbing, and a lot of tired walking and we made it back to basecamp around 7am. the route was spectacular but unfortunately the views were missed by climbing through the night. West Face of Tocllaraju- route goes up center of face the ishinca valley on the hike in base camp jesse and a burro Gear Notes: 3 screws 4 pickets 1 60m rope Approach Notes: burros to carry the gear
  4. are you talking about the difference in variation from here to there.(the difference between true and magnetic north) or are you guys talking about magnetic dip.(the compass trying to allign itself with the lines of flux) Most upscale compasses can be changed for variation and magnetic dip is only an issue near the poles.
  5. having the brakes on you car freeze after fording a river in the ghost and having to melt them with flares and get a tow from canadians
  6. Found one. thanks
  7. i would like to buy a patagonia das parka size large. let me know if you wanna get rid of one. pm me or email howarde@cwu.edu
  8. you were more off route, than you should be willing to admit
  9. Bummer to hear that jens. where were you bouldering?
  10. doesnt that make two lost ergos on the northside of stuart. find them both and your set.
  11. check your pms
  12. i bought a pair of the guide pants in the fall and didnt wear my goretex all winter. great pants
  13. extreme pelvic surgery for an extreme pelvis on an extreme person dipset
  14. hey kevino what did you climb?
  15. Matt > Erik> Dinosaurs>Kevin>Nothing
  16. dinosaurs are stupid. you are both nerds.
  17. colchuck will be a lot easier to access this time of year than the south side of stuart
  18. hey craig. i like what you stand for. hahahaha
  19. another jim jones
  20. suckbm

    starting my rack

    first quit track. then buy 1 set nuts. .5 .75 1 2 3 camalot, 6reg runners, 2 double runners. a small crow bar and a nut tool so you can take other peoples stuck gear. then quit your job. and kat il trade you your hexes for a book or yours i have.
  21. ive got the week off and was wondering if its too early to go to yosemite. the forecast is for highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s but was wondering how the climbing usually is early season
  22. if you know your going sport climbing dont eat much for a couple days before. if your going to the mountains eat pizza and burgers. this always makes me feel better
  23. wouldnt kat make a pretty good belayer
  24. i only know one climber other than myself that listens to rap on a regular basis. why do most climbers hate rap?
  25. theres also ice south of the freeway on the sand cliffs above the river. neither area is worth climbing, not even for messing around on
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