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Everything posted by griz

  1. Wouldn't you have to create some new email accounts? That's a hassle, ya know?
  2. griz


    You're lame ass storm and lame ass drivers are making news here in CO! How sad is that, people? When I lived up there ,we had one little 4"-5" snow in Seattle and most of the people at work called in. Frickin' sad...you'd think you all lived in florida or something. Even people with big 4wd trucks bailed...
  3. Anybody with something to hide and wants to get into the US is just going buy a backpack and hike across anyway. That border is WIDE OPEN wilderness in sections, ya know?
  4. Yeah, you can't beat the Arctis Expe for denali. I spent two weeks in them there and didn't have any foot problems at all... No blisters or even hot spots and cozy on summit day w/ 40below overboots. Best money you'll ever spend, dude. I do know 2 people that climbed denali in the degre's, as well. Both summited in them w/o problems and using overboots. They are your toes though and I'd shell out the extra $ for abit more protection, ya know? It's pretty fuckin' cold there...
  5. Yeah, I don't waste my money on windstopper stuff anymore. The crap is COLD- wet or dry. Good ol fleece is warmer, breathable,lighter,cheaper and DISPOSABLE. My OR Windstopper gloves only come out now when I want to look cool for the women and just need really marginal warmth protection... They make some leather work gloves that have a fleece lining sewn in if you want leather for rapelling.
  6. Yeah, if you aren't a bonehead you shouldn't have much trouble up there. Looking online isn't a bad way to go but you've got to have your BS meter set to HIGH. Be prepared to be pretty blunt w/ people you don't want to climb w/ 'cuz they be dumbasses. I met some great people to climb with and still climb w/ up there,though. I'm sure if you do another thread here asking for links to other sites for partners you'll get some good ones. BTW, ever climb on Mt. Jo in the Daks? My first rock climb was there a long time ago. The Daks kick ass but don't compare to the west, for sure. Good luck,dude.
  7. you could sell the little tikes on ebay for a tidy profit and buy lift tickets w/ the extra cash, as well... -Griz the happy,heartless bastard
  8. chris_w put up a good link further up in the thread. check it out.
  9. griz


    I define bulletproof as the shit you run into at 17k on Denali where you need a stick of dynamite to get your snowstakes out. Avy debris depends on snow conditions. Will a plastic be right for every condtion? Fuck no. But it will be better than nothing most of the time and they are light. If I only had 1 shovel to use then I'd just get a big aluminum blade, for sure. But if I'm going out in CO for some snowshoeing or a weekend winter camping trip then I'll feel pretty comfortable with a lightweight plastic one, ya know? You can carry a 9lb driveway shovel for all I care, if that makes you feel safer but I hate weight and feel it creates its own dangers.
  10. griz


    Plastic blades are good for digging out burried tents 'cuz metal blades ends get chewed up and can shred your tent like a knife. Plastic is also good where the odds are you won't be using them (like digging people out or other emergencies)and going light is better. If you are doing day in/ day out mountaineering where you need to move allot of snow for sure or will be digging in the bulletproof shit then a big aluminum blade is the way to go with out a doubt. Plastic is USELESS in the bullet proof stuff.
  11. griz

    LOTR return of the king

    I'm sure the excluded hobbin kissing scenes will be included on the DVD... mmmm... hot female elves....
  12. Thanks... looks like Boulder will have it.
  13. Sounds cool... Is it slated for a mainstream release or do you basially have to drive to Banff to see it in a theatre?
  14. griz

    LOTR return of the king

    Those little frickin' hobbins would make a great new cast for that show "Queer eye for the Straight Guy".... A clip from the hobbin lovefest:
  15. griz

    LOTR return of the king

    2 hours of watching wussified Hobbins from Dorkshire cry over every god damn thing... "Oh, my little bitch Mary... you're alive!"... followed by a hobbin lovefest in bed and more . The other 1 1/2 hours of mayhem,death and destruction was fun though...
  16. griz

    LOTR return of the king

    2 hours of crying, hairy footed midgets... boo hoo...boo hoo... boo hoo...
  17. Thanks...
  18. griz

    Damn Kids

    Yeah, throwing your new wife's shit into a crevasse at 11k doesn't reek of much romance but sure reeks of something else... Each his own, though.
  19. I live under a rock... What's 'plab' mean?
  20. griz


    yeah, plus the two quick draws look like they have a load on w/ the way they are being pulled out/down. Especially, the one below her foot. The rope doesn't have any sag and seems to move in angles from the biners. There is some tension in my pants now, too...
  21. Just run while you can, mi amigo and let the thread die quietly... I smell a trap,too
  22. J.Lo(ass) sounds like Jello ass...yes?
  23. griz


    Also, why do have a "mini browser" or whatever in the upper right frame? Refresh,print,back are all on your standard browser like IE. Seems wasteful. If you stuck w/ the frame idea(a bad one but) you could fit your search feature up there.
  24. mmmm....demi.
  25. Yeah, but anyone who answers the phone during sex lacks passion... i was pretty bummed at her film debut performance. Molly Sims from the Las Vegas tv show,baby! Yeah... We used to hang out 'til she got that pain in the ass restraining order... humpf...
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