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Everything posted by griz

  1. griz


    yeah, left/right scrolling blows.The fixed area on the left on the homepage takes up too much space. Lose the frame idea as it takes up more valuable screen space for information/pics. I'd make it all part of one page. Your orange box for typing in a search is kind of vague/ugly... i thought it was decoration not a place to type. Nice idea, I'll check it out more later.
  2. Yeah, I guess I am talking more about the video of the 507th Maintenance crew than other times, for sure. They were not reading forced confessions or renouncing the west, ya know? It was none the less demeaning and we all got pretty worked up over it. Even our "objective" journalists were saying "How dare they!". The saddam video is demeaning in its own subtle way, as well... ex.- they do a lice check and show him completely grubby and unclean. If that was our president then we would be going fucking apeshit, I'm sure. I don't know, I really could care less if they dressed him in a monkey suit for the video but it's just interesting how people react to similar things so differently.
  3. First, I could give a shit that the US put the video of out Saddam H. for the world to see after he was taken as a prisoner of war. I think it will save lives of our guys over the long haul by showing proof that he is out of action. Now, with that said, I think it is a pretty funny double standard that we had a frickin' cow as a nation when the enemy showed pretty much the same thing of our POW's. Yet when it is the enemy on TV then it is perfectly fine and nobody says a thing about it? Honestly, am I missing something? Is there a difference ? I could care less about violating that fucks rights but I just find the idea... interesting?
  4. Sure thing, we all are. If I could delete the post I would but the time has run out for editing. Excuse the misunderstanding on my part...
  5. Blow me, trask, if that was directed at me. I don't believe everything the goverment tells me either but this is a case where I do. Did you buy that crap they dished out about Jessica Lynch fighting to the last bullet? I didn't...sounded like ww II propaganda bs to me from the get go. Or what... you are going take on the us marines with a six shooter while in a hole?
  6. Maryloo, If you think this through and look at it this way perhaps you will see why everyone else thinks your views on this are out there... If this proves to be a hoax and a lie to the world straight from the president's mouth to the world then he'll be up in front of congress looking at getting impeached and he sure as hell won't be getting re-elected. It would end him and his administration in a heart beat. This isn't something they could lie about and get away with over the long haul. Don't think he would cower in bunker? If you had a burgular or someone hunting you in your house and had a hiding place wouldn't you go there? It strikes me as the most likely place for a person to be found... not the least likely, as you say.
  7. Mtn Guide, could you send me the cliff note version of that post. A pm is fine. Thanks. What's with the hippo...?i was skimming by that point... Also, I cut this from the general discussion page: "Spray If it's not climbing related this is where you post it. Here you'll find topics on just about anything and once in a while some good intelligent conversation. Be warned this forum is not for the thin skinned. " MTN Guide and Maryloo...Please read the LAST SENTENCE...
  8. They have had him longer than 12 hours. Sounds like 2 days considering they kept it under wraps for a day. I'm not an expert on DNA, how long does it take to complete a test?
  9. Marylooloo, How about we put you over in Iraq, put a $25,000,000 bounty on your head, set you up w/ a internet account so everyone will inevitably despise you and want to turn you in , then have the most powerful nation in the world hunt you day in and out for 8 months and see what you look like and where you finally end up? Sound good? I'm sure we could take up a collection to get a plane ticket for you. Sounds like Will is in...
  10. I heard they have already done DNA testing on him. Positive, of course.
  11. Maryloo,Good god, so just because YOU think he should have fought or killed himself everyone else is wrong and it all should be under suspicion? Though you know NOTHING of what has gone on in his life for the last 8 months? Get over your brilliance it is really quite dull in reality. So what is your great theory?That we caught him months ago and made him grow a beard to his chest and didn't give him a shower for that time so we could make him look a little out of it?Don't you think w/ the election year coming up that Bush would want to put this feather in his cap ASAP to end the all doubters and take away some ammo from the democrats? You are a real bonehead if you think otherwise.
  12. Marylou, it doesn't surprise me a bit how they found him and that he gave in w/o a fight. He's a frickin' coward and couldn't trust anyone because he was so hated by most in the country. Why else would a person kill off any person that even slightly disagreed w/ him? Cuz he's afraid of them.
  13. griz

    Bear Spray?

    I think you have misunderstood my post because I am mostly talking about when the shit hits the fan, as well. The rest is about the "the gun will save me" mentality. You have two different views: the people who carry a gun for protection and as the solution and those who think "riding out the storm" is the better way to go(playing dead,ect) for ultimately surviving the situation. I think the gun gives you a false of security and increases your chances of getting hurt by the bear or even shooting yourself or someone else during the attack. With all due respect to your hunting friend, did his rifle help him much?Didn't sound like it but maybe it did... Most of the time it happens too quick to react to with a gun. As a hunter he is doing everything wrong to avoid bear encounters...he's moving quiet, probably moving downwind, ect. He has to assume responsiblity for the extra risk he's taking in griz territory. Did he struggle the whole time trying to shoot it(most likely extending the attack) or just play dead when it was on him(shortening the attack)? Or if a friend is getting mauled ,are you really going to risk shooting at the bear while your friend/loved one is being tossed around like a rag doll, perhaps getting flipped in the line of fire? Will you remember if your next shot is a slug or buckshot and fill your buddy/loved one w/ buckshot?Or that shooting bears pisses them off more and makes it worse?All I'm saying is that I think people are safer w/o a gun in those fucked up situtaions and by following the submisive/play dead idea. Lots of beta says that is the best way to survive and from everything I've seen,heard and researched...I agree. Also, w/ your bud Ron's situation...most charges end in a bluff and they pull out within the last few feet especially if they are not being threatened by being shot or a person is still standing in aggressive position(instead of a fetal/dead position). Your friend had every right to shoot the bear,though.
  14. griz

    Bear Spray?

    I always get a kick out of hearing from the blast'em crowd on dealing w/ grizzly bear. Statistically, you are so much safer in a bear encounter w/o a gun. I bet that dead hiker's biggest mistake was shooting at the bear. 8-9 out of 10 charges are bluff charges and when he shot it ,his chances of getting what he got went up to nearly a sure thing because now the griz feels the pain, is more threatened and has to protect itself at close range. Grizzly bears are not the psycho beasts that hollywood creates them to be. I've been in numerous close encounters w/ gizzly bears up in AK (over 80-90)while fly fishing/hiking and never had a bad encounter. Some at less than 10 ft. and ,yes, the adrenaline is going, for sure but never anything threatening. If you make human noises, stand your ground when needed, back away when needed and don't tickle their fur with slugs from .44's then those are your best chances of coming out alive. More people get killed by the neighbor's pet dog than grizzly bears in AK BY FAR and you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than mauled by a bear... keep that in mind, as well. Some Fish and Game people I hung out w/ said to drop a griz before it can get to you, you basically have to start shooting before it even moves toward you and even then if is not a perfect brain shot then it will still get to you. So, it's pretty much ridiculous because most of them will run so fast away from you or ignore you,if given the chance.
  15. New Jersery... the next Bosnia for bears...
  16. Hmmm... and New Jersey used to be such a nice place to visit for my type... Another fine neighborhood gone to hell...
  17. Yeah, I've known people to get back out there before the cast comes off. He might be able to also when the pain goes away and it mends abit...I guess it depends what the doc says.When I was a young little twit skate rat, my best bud broke his leg on the halfpipe but he was able to get out and screw around abit in a leg cast. He skated w/ his crutches,believe it or not. Good luck!
  18. griz


    C'mon,cracker...it's "Dawg"...
  19. griz

    I say we ban...

  20. griz

    I say we ban...

  21. griz

    Shake the globe...

    yeah, it kind of resembles most amateur snowboarding halfpipe competitions,too...
  22. griz

    Shake the globe...

    Don't forget to shake globe REALLY hard for the best and most twisted results... too frickin' funny... Season's Greetings...!!! click me
  23. Alpine K, yeah, I hear ya but I've never pulled a Doug Scott beyond a crampon point in my calf so I'm seeing what else might apply...
  24. Whatever, dude. The guy needs to define what he considers an injury better. Every climber gets his hands/knees chewed up with minor cuts and I'm trying figure out if he cares about that crap or not. I don't... but he might.
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