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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Yeah but wherz the picz of crizizacked on da boulderz? Hmm maybe I'd boulder better if I wore a scarf... But I have the secret weapon, ultimate whiteness.
  2. Yeah but this time it's not solo. And I'm really not supposed to take this Thursday off.
  3. There be black bears round these parts too. Not telling where lest you gunhappy bastards want another hatrack.
  4. What/where the hell is H112? Shit, I went to high school at Western. If you're serious, let's go wrestle some pebbles on the beach...
  5. This must have been the 45-year-old version.
  6. Oh come on it's a black bear. Make it some hot cocoa and read it bedtime stories.
  7. One-day ski/splitboard-facilitated climb. Easton or Sulfide (as default). PM me if interested.
  8. They have a bunch of used stuff at Second Ascent.
  9. Yeah, there are some 3000-foot highballs, so you should bring your neon pink crashpad, if you have one.
  10. I have the REI bivy, it is super-light, but not good in the rain. I've used it around 10 times now, and all but two or three times I got rained on. The face area is just bug mesh, so if you're short you can kind of wrap some of the shell material over your head, but your head still gets wet eventually. Water also seems to pass through the zipper quite easily, and your bag gets wet. But it is a lot better than nothing, obviously, and these problems only occur when it rains continuously for a long time. For light rain and everything else it works alright. It's also cheap.
  11. OK: You're walking through the park, and a guy with his dog are running toward you. Conservative: This dangerous man and his viscious dog are threatening me and my rights. Good thing I always carry my Glock... BANG! Southerner: Weeeeeeehaaaaw! Tirgit practice! Good thing I always carry my .44 magnum! BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG! Liberal: Hey there, Dave! Nice day for a jog in the park, ain't it?
  12. You could probably help yourself out a lot by drinking a liter of water an hour or so before you start out, in addition to your normal water rations.
  13. In that case, I'm gonna go out and downgrade/sandbag all of Mike's testpieces.
  14. Yeah? And your spelling sucks, genius. AND, if your reading comprehension was above the 2nd grade level, you'd realize that DFA is no longer arguing that the grading scale is correct. That's not spelling, that's grammar. I guess we both better go back to grade school. Hey, then we could beat the crap out of each other, and we'd just get timeouts.
  15. haha. You're grading scale chart is wrong dude. I don't see why you're still trying to argue otherwise.
  16. Yeah I guess you're right DFA. I better stop onsighting .10a's until I can pull down my first V3.
  17. Sounds like someone better come up with a cc.com Layton-izer. All route names converted and all photos replaced with Layton carnage.
  18. It's all about boulder problems with water landings at high tide. There are a couple easy ones at Clayton and that spot down the way on Post Point. You also send those better after a couple of beers. Or rather, your FA is not legit unless your hands and feet are soaking wet AND you already had a couple beers. In fact, Bellingham Beer Bouldering ratings go B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B2, B17, B-uh... in that order, indicating how many beers it takes before you can't send the problem. Also, the beers help you find boulder problems that weren't there before you partook of said beers. Bring your dog so he can fish you out on those hard B12's.
  19. haha, yeah, PRG is pretty clicky... you're either acquainted with someone in the awesome boulderer posse, or you climb alone and they avoid eye contact while waiting for you to get off their problem. Not that I really know what I'm talking about, I just went there a couple of times, tagging along with one of the cool guys.
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