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Everything posted by dan_forester

  1. Well you know, the usual. Bringing the rock down to my level, adding a pin scar or two to classic routes... Just kidding, Bill. I've been thinking about doing some adventure climbing on some of our chossier local stuff, and would like to have the option of using pitons if I get in a tricky spot. Only where appropriate, not on established routes that go clean.
  2. Sorry Mr. Roll. I woulda called you Sunday but I ended up spending most of the day in bed or on the couch w/ a cold. Besides, you should have been shredding it up after that snowfall, right? I've got all next week off so let's get out, I'll call you. OK back to whatever it is you all are ranting about. But check out my Jack Chick/Cthulhu parody tract, it's funny.
  3. the pressure's on! Dave, I sent you a pm.
  4. just for that you're coming with me to hand out tracts in the rain, will
  5. that reminds me, I'm trying to get a group together this weekend to hike up to the summit of Mt Tabor & witness for the Elder Gods. We've got some tracts to hand out, who's in?
  6. qRuNxHqwazs
  7. thanks, Bill, that price seems ok. it's hard to tell from the picture there how the head & shaft are connected, though. anyone have experience using the Kong Eagle hammer?
  8. Don't take it personally, as far as irrational reactions and slander goes, religion is second only to bolting debates on this board. Anyway the real issue for some of us is the joyful noise deal... i.e. your backpack guitar. If I promise not to serenade strangers in camp with my kazoo rendition of "smoke on the water" will you promise not to play "this little light of mine" on the git-box? Can we compromise on this at least?
  9. or your fifi gets caught in the sling on your last piece, or your cam hook gets caught in your daisy which is somehow snarled around the lead line (how did that happen??), or.... Josh & I saw a guy get his foot stuck in the crack on the 3rd pitch of super slab a couple months ago. He had a little freak out which was entertaining to watch from the belay ledge (we were waiting a while & desperate for entertainment). Not like that would ever happen to me, of course!
  10. Joseph, that child-giantess terrorizing the villagers is going to give me xmas nightmares.
  11. nice, glad to hear someone was out there yesterday! I would have been there but I decided staying in bed with a cold would be more fun.
  12. looking for a used wall hammer. or if you've seen any deals on new lately let me know.
  13. Hope you have a fun and safe Denali trip. Here's some good advice to take with you, from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:5-6)... And on a personal note, leave the backpack guitar, harmonica, and bongos at home. Enjoy the silence.
  14. the schlong belay = the new hip belay? I think a munter would be better, though.
  15. nice work, Joseph!
  16. yeah, my free climbing skills, such as they are, were put to the test... there might have been some muttered imprecations (inaudible to you two down below), though, to be honest.
  17. yeah, I remember when you & Oleg(?) and I were climbing out there and I was going for the worlds slowest lead of pitch 1, when you, impatient to climb, soloed past me. I was more worried of accidentally knocking you off than falling myself, Gautama.
  18. these are hilarious! I'm just sad that Ivan only climbed w/ sketchy todd twice. seems like there might have been more story potential there. and let's hear the el cap stories too, why not?
  19. however, diluting your !'s with 1's is still an interweb "best practice"!!!!1!1!
  20. That bucket deal is pretty neat. Mazamas website is looking good, too.
  21. Have fun in Salt Lake City, Mike! But yeah, you'll be back. Until then....cheerio!
  22. I believe the commander meant... heh heh heh he said "pitch a tent" heh heh heh
  23. the worst clash song > the best pink floyd song, though it hardly needs to be said Now that that's settled...I was always surprised that they didn't edit "Mr Brownstone" when they played it on the radio.
  24. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of your son going on to do things that you wouldn't have thought possible...check out this guy who's summitted Hood, Rainier & Shasta without the use of his legs.
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