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Everything posted by Mos_Chillin

  1. No, but this one does:
  2. Those are the words that keep you and my buddy Mike in biz! BTW, he seemed pretty happy with his new girl last time I saw him... Erik
  3. Thanks. I was leading, so I can't say for sure. The third won't be back until Tomorrow, but she said it's obvious.
  4. You, Sir, are a pandering bandwagon jumper who fails in every way to use his brain in a generous manner. You represent to me, on this board, by your comments, the smart but mindless Cowboy Jingoism that led us to this clusterfuck. I don't care if you respond, because I am using the ignore feature on your well-educated (I am sure), but still, somehow idiotic ass.
  5. Thanks, Mo. I know about the previous clearcut, and though I appreciate the impact, it's not like it is going to effect your climbing, or hasn't been done before. BTW, the visual impact does not elude me, I am just being realistic.
  6. Forgot One:
  7. You are so right. I am wired right now.
  8. Are you going to be there this month?
  9. What do you carry every time you set out to climb, besides climbing gear?
  10. A heads up, there is a real belayer-slayer lodged in a crack near the beginning of the third pitch of Midway - probably a 30-40 pound flake. A beginner friend pulled it out of another crack following a bit further above, fell, and luckily for the third, it got re-lodged. Caution should be exercised cleaning this due to traffic below.
  11. I bet you use bailing (sic) wire when you are stuck on a climb, too. Don't you.
  12. Mos_Chillin

    NO shit!!

  13. Mos_Chillin


    So many PM's so little time. Hey look everybody! A short, angry man! You never see that!
  14. Anyone KNOW any snaffle jokes?
  15. What isn't wrong is the better question
  16. Thanks, I will
  17. Yah, right. Get your own fucking ideas, you little Punk.
  18. the point? oh, you mean the beginning of "feel good gestures" (never mind the results). the birth of American liberalism. Isn't the marquis de sade the founder of conservatism? "Why do you hang out with that sadist?" "Beats me!"
  19. Capital B, foos. But I like the way you think...
  20. Are there really any left?
  21. That was then, this is now. Who has changed, and who hasn't? Hmm? Raindawg is a good reminder to us all to not get locked into your singular perspective as we age. It gets you nothing but myopic, reactive and abusive. Oh, yeah. And your face gets ugly, too.
  22. It's the same story the crow told me IT'S THE ONLY ONE HE KNOWS
  23. Weak like a gecko
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