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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I wonder what he used for an anchor to lower off with.
  2. ....which makes your getaway up our way a teensy bit puzzling. Hundred inches a year, documented, just like clockwork. That's almost two inches a week. Once we had a drought and only got 70......... Green though, elegantly green...thousands and thousands of shades of green. it is because archenemy is verdant, in the blooming sense of the word.
  3. Working on a plan to bring loads of jumbo fist-sized cams, big bros, #11 hexes and maybe a couple of RP's down to Smith so my little guy can work on Monkey Face. Last weekend of May, three day weekend.
  4. I ain't no white trash piece of shit. I'm better than you all. I can outlearn you, I can outread you, I can outthink you, and I can outphilosophize you and I'm gonna outlast you.
  5. i can't ignore. was this plotting officiated by a third party?
  6. http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/7693/mocking-the-main-man?fr=fp-buzz-more
  7. Is the other one Christmas?
  8. this could be teh one. Teh One. Sweeps Mike off his feet, knocks him up, and leaves him barefoot at home when he could be climbing. You guys gotta believe in The Power of Love.
  9. olyclimber

    Middle Aged?

    tent angst! lets hear what you really were thinking!
  10. holy crap those are awesome photos. thanks for posting Tony & Justin. beautiful
  11. who have been parties to problems to a due to logging? perhaps post here about it, though I think many there also post here (I do).
  12. olyclimber


    lets go climbing.
  13. NICE!!! Archenemy, I didn't know you posted here! Where do those step lead to? Did you bring me back a bottle of wine? Would you recommend the climbing there, or was it just exotique.
  14. well, they may have been heated up for you by someone of Mexican nationality who may or may not be in Our Great Country illegally. i guess that makes them pretty authentic.
  15. i hate to break the news to you guys, but the burritos they make at taco time are not authentic mexican burritos. and, in mexico they don't ride burros for for transportation, they mostly drive cars like us. sorry to ruin your happy little dream.
  16. there's your excuse...now get to it.
  18. my next piece will be called "Skull Crushing Under Jackboots"
  19. i'm not sure why i slept through most of that event...must have been bored or something
  20. damn it, why isn't my Mount Miss Helens growth thread as popular as the other ones? What do I have to do?
  21. being stupid when you're unconcious doesn't even count.
  22. if you saw him through a window, it would also be a good idea to start licking the window till he notices you.
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