i think you have the right attitude about it octavius, people screw up, and in this case it landed you in the hospital. it comes down to how do you choose your partners. i think everyone has their own way of going about it, based on the amount of risk they are willing to take on, and their confidence in their own ability (though obviously your own ability has nothing to do with getting lowered). I know I wouldn't ask someone to go climbing with me till I felt pretty comfortable about their track record, and I also just try to climb with people who are more experienced than I (easy for me to do )...but in this case it sounds like the person was experienced . i suppose you're going to end up being more selective about partners, and depending on how much you really want to get back out there will drive the risk you're willing to take in climbing with someone you don't know. ya, it may mean you end up climbing less, but at least you'll live through it. luckily for me I haven't had to deal with a situation like this before, I wish you the best in getting through it and healing up.