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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. pretty cool. look at china creeping up...
  2. Dude, thats a medical condition. Not Guilty.
  3. Yes, I'm thinking I will fight it. Hopefully I can combine 1/2 day in court with a 1/2 day at Index. So far, my possible defences include: -a moving speed zone -stupidity -child hit NOS button with teddy bear -was just passing slower car -WTF??? 5 MILES AN HOUR OVER? WHAT KIND OF A SHIT TOWN IS THIS???!!! -it was close enough to the speed -my speedometer is off -????
  5. state patrol, just outside of Gold Bar.
  6. "and imagine what would have happened it I wasn't driving around with the E brake on a usual!"
  7. If I'm going to get busted for speeding, they should at least let me open up the throttle.
  8. <img src="/threa
  9. olyclimber

    Wheres Iain?

    I bought a 36 pack of Kudos at the Monroe Grocery Outlet on Saturday. They aren't very good.
  10. since you're so good with the iniatives, could you look into the one proposed by jayb above?
  11. so are you?
  12. I'll sign that one.
  13. Well, I think we need to re-evaluate our foriegn policy for America. Those dudes are some wicked evil doers with thier torture camps and suede denim secret police.
  14. no doot.
  15. What happened? Did a Canadian team win the Super Bowl?
  16. Heck, it was nice at Index on Saturday. I didn't see any sport climbers there either.
  17. I don't know if he fell off, but he was wasn't injured from falling. Just has a bleeding fingertip. I didn't notice any venom, but then I haven't seen the venom before. I have to admit that I would have responded completely differently knowing what I know now. It was so bizarre I actually thought the guy was joking, and that he had just ripped his finger open on a sharp crack or something. Hope he got to the hospital soon after that.
  18. lets go smoke bikes
  19. olyclimber

    For knotzen

    I am from concentrate.
  20. olyclimber

    For knotzen

    this explains everything. It's funny that guys always jump to this conclusion. Almost without fail. Actually, my mother was excommunicated from the church before I was born; so my exposure to the church is limited. Personally, I have found Satanism to be a lot more fun--and I don't have to marry my cousin. Well its good to know I'm just like everyone else after all. I was beginning to think I was wierd.
  21. This little guy hangs out along the trail right before the switchbacks up to the elk gate at Royal Columns.
  22. Venom removal kit at REI Medical Encyclopedia entry about snake bites.
  23. First aid When a bite occurs, the amount of venom injected cannot be gauged easily. Symptoms and swelling may occur quickly, but in some cases hours may pass before serious effects appear. Experienced health workers typically gauge envenomation in stages ranging from 0, when there is no evident venom, to 5, when there is a life-threatening amount of venom present. The stages reflect the amount of bruising and swelling around the fang marks and the speed with which that bruising and swelling progresses. In more severe envenomation cases (stage 4 or 5) there may also be proximal symptoms, such as lip-tingling, dizziness, bleeding, vomiting, or shock. Quick medical attention is critical, and treatment typically requires antivenin/antivenom to block the tissue destruction, nerve effects, and blood-clotting disorders common with rattlesnake venom. Most medical experts recommend keeping the area of the bite below the level of the heart. It is important to keep a snake bite victim calm in order to avoid elevating their heart rate and accelerating the circulation of venom within the body. Untrained individuals should not attempt to make incisions at or around bite sites, or to use tourniquets, as either treatment may be more destructive than the envenomation itself.
  24. Damn, now I'm feeling a little bad for not offering to retrieve their gear so they could get to hospital sooner.
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rattlesnake
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