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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. From the Seattle PI: "Although there is already a new arena in Oklahoma City awaiting an NBA team, Seattle officials haven't yet given up on keeping the team here under the new ownership, Bichsel said. "We're going to be talking with them about that lease and about terms of a future lease to see what their intentions are. We don't know at this point what the new owners' intentions are."
  2. I remember reading somewhere (Kearney's guide?) that one guy alone has put up 4 or 5 routes on Bear.
  3. Finnegan's Wake is not sophomore material. You have to be at least a junior.
  4. sounds like you guys have adventure climbing in the Cascades pretty maxed out there (inaccessible region, crappy or loose rock, big rock face). pretty high up to have to bail!...nice try and cool pictures. You'll get'r done next time...
  5. this is getting out of hand
  6. black swans
  7. wow, those photos are awesome. nice climb.
  8. Yes, I took a brazillion photos. Compare your photo of yester-year to mine from today(well, this past Sunday). Obviously I need to get a little closer in to reproduce the angle exactly.
  9. Thanks Mayor Mo. Such a fine town you have there.
  10. So perhaps this mythical Iain exists. Sweet pictures...so skiing is kaput for summer 06....both you and Sky have declared it. Someone post another ski mountaineering TR and prove them wrong
  11. Damn, sounds like a good time...wish I could have joined you on this one. Maybe I can next time...have a great trip!
  12. AK-47 machine guns make a lot of noise
  13. i did get pictures of you guys (or at least I took 5-10 pictures of the aid climbers on Green Drag-on and Town Crier. PM me your email address and I'll send you the pictures later today.
  14. Nice works guys! Looks like a sweet new route...great pictures.
  15. Bat in the crack on pitch 3, Davis-Holland:
  16. didn't get to it, hopefully someone will do the community service project soon. TimL?
  17. i have never seen some one misspell "speaking" before. Is Waco Jacko somehow related to the Branch Dividians?
  18. Didn't they all three get it totally dialed with a really long top rope? How can this be considered raising the bar for climbing?
  19. Funny you should post.
  20. olyclimber


    You da man! DAMN! When you going to get off that island for a while and come climbing with us? Early Sept. road trip, bring the kid?
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