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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    We're Number 17!

    It's time to take down www.trekkingforum.com tell all your friends to join. and your mom.
  2. that was my family in their family truckster.
  3. New Seattle definitely ends at Sequim. Sequim is taking over Port Angeles as the biggest city of the Peninsula.
  4. http://www.apple.com/ipodshuffle/gallery/
  5. Why is everything funnier when there is a chimp involved?
  6. one the crappiest movies of all time
  7. A long time ago I heard Forks described this way: "Fat, drunk, 45 year old women staggering down the street at 8 in the morning with giant logging trucks blasting by HONNNKKK!! HONNNNKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mimicked with the typical doppler sound effect with lower pitch at the end). Nowadays the town has a very strong hispanic flavor, with a hint of meth
  8. Forks is a culturally diverse international town.
  9. BC nugs for the canuck
  10. this is purely medicinal.
  11. olyclimber

    laptop advice

    laptops are passe. get a suitcase computer
  12. Weather looks good. Bring the little tikes and head up there
  13. no. i've spent too much time here and now i'm just another cc.comer.
  14. OMG H2U TIMMY! whose phone number is that, nugs?
  15. Dammit Jim! You foiled our evil plan! But what about people without reading comprehesion skills?
  16. damn liberal media!
  17. minx is definitely one of the screamers
  18. I heard on the radio this morning that gas prices will be lowered for the elections.
  19. user error
  20. Either Stonyfield Vanilla Chai or Stonyfield Creme Caramel for sure.
  21. For Carl: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4396409143756091850&q=f4+crash++test&hl=en
  22. When do we start?
  23. Are you crying and falling out the ride?
  24. I'm way too much woman for you hotcarl.
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