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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. are you describing your perfect date? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7873314177109677533&q=f4+crash++test&hl=en
  2. so are you laughing or crying HotCarl?
  3. The CC.com experience captured on video. Amazing. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3850168882328586162&q=f4+crash++test&hl=en
  4. they should be required to use it on their own moms first
  5. That one stays. I keep it in the bathroom.
  6. good idear. but should i leave them at Stone Gardens or Vertical World? Which is better for leaving magazines at?
  7. Rock and Ice/Climbing/Gripped magazines going from back in 2004 to sometime this year. I already read all this shizzle, time for someone else to take them. I'm not shipping them, so come pick them up at my house if you want them. First person to PM me gets em, but you gotta come get them soon or I'm going to recycle them.
  8. i'm already there
  9. I don't hate panther. I just find the image of seeing someone hiking up the trail with their harness on and and gear hanging off it sort of funny...like the mountie pictures with them hiking along the road with helmets and gators on. i'm also trying to imagine how that would be more comfortable than a small pack with the gear inside it, but i just can't seem to manage it. hey, whatever works for you. the best climber is the one having the most fun
  10. ahhh...this is what you're looking for. yah, the link sky sent you should help.
  11. olyclimber

    Hey Oly

    I'm afraid it is user error, though the thing could be easier to use I get 30 results when searching for "weather cam". You have to specify the windows of time (4 years max) that you're looking for. Here is one of the results: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/s...true#Post256448
  12. do a gear review
  13. with the new board (i know, i know how long can it be? we are waiting for the new board software to get out of beta and they are taking longer than we would hope) we will have a setting so that you will only see the original TR if that is all you want to see. Or you can expand it out and see all the banter that follows. Many times I've seen a TR expanded on in the conversation that follows, with key information contributed by others reading the TR. But if all you want to see is the TR, then you can set it up the other way. Perhaps we can work in something for FAs....I think at least being able have an FA/FWA/FFA etc search option in the TR section would be pretty cool.
  14. hahahahahhahahaaa
  15. And in another developement, the Republican-majority Senate Judiciary Committee creating a program to allow criminals to arrest themselves and send themselves to prison without parole. The program will be optional, and will feature a fast track for white collar criminals.
  16. That was either: A. Shasta Expedition 2006: A Struggle With Nature. The people where high altitude porters ferrying gear for the expedition who were camped in hyperbaric tents mid-way up the mountian B. Owners of the new Freedom of the Hills: Extreme Edition. Updated with the new 1000 Essentials. Seriously, people carry way too much with them. Perhaps it is because REI markets all this must have crap and suckers buy it all and try to pack it up with them. You can get by pretty comfortably with a 30lb pack with most outings.
  17. these kinds of stories are what makes America great. Only in America....only in America. Freedom of expression.
  18. Synopsis: El Niño conditions have developed and are likely to continue into early 2007. Typical El Niño effects are likely to develop over North America during the upcoming winter season. Those include warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada, and over the western and northern United States. Wetter-than-average conditions are likely over portions of the U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida, while drier-than-average conditions can be expected in the Ohio Valley, the Pacific Northwest, and most of the U.S.-affiliated islands in the north tropical Pacific. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/index.html
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14801867/
  20. yeah.
  21. quality post. at least 2.5 stars better than the spew over in the "my opinion of cc.com" thread.
  22. and then she'll be all wet and thinking of me. how romantic.
  23. Why didn't they use "As Happy as Clam" for the headline here??? http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20060912/hl_hsn/prozacinstreamsendangeringmussels
  24. You are FUN-KNEE Alpinfox! But this one is about the children SAFETYFOX. The KIDS! Remember the children.
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