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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i think even better than a fall, which can happen suddenly and without warning, is freaking out mentally and starting the shake and all that fun stuff associated with a mental melt down while climbing. now that is fun....and when you can combine it with fall, its even better.
  2. you also might want to add get a swedish massage, a facial, and having your nails done. also the cheese must match the wine, or i'm not going to bother saddling up.
  3. olyclimber


    so what are the "lessons learned" for this conflict? if the goal to take out the dictator, a single targeted bunker buster strike would have done the job. of course there would have been turmoil following that, but one could argue that is what we have today anyway.
  4. sickie
  5. olyclimber


    don't agree with being there, but i have to agree with fw on this one. that is a sad story, and at that age it could have easily been me. i have friends over there right now that would do the same.
  6. Office Worker Meltdown Second Angle - Watch more free videos
  7. Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more free videos
  8. conspiracy (one way or the other!) http://secure.wikileaks.org/wiki/John_McCain_US_Presidential_election_Clinton_strategy
  9. FEL_hndb0kA
  10. Are you ready to be together forever baby? Somethings i will never to do you: 1. Give you up 2. Let you down 3. Run Around 4. Desert you 5. Make you cry 6. Say Goodbye 7. Tell a Lie 8. Hurt you 9. Repost shit on the Internets A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You know your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it. Hit me up
  11. kennedy's brain surgeon crew, checkin in!
  12. crazyjizzy doesn't like the sound of vinyl, nor the feel. he is all used up as a human being. he is a discard, a throw away. never was, never will be.
  13. well, lets be frank. or rather you be tom, i'll be harry. posting for 8 hours a day IS work!
  14. he has his place, in a deep pit in my basement
  15. TfNjjvjH_Z8
  16. olyclimber

    Cancelling Vonage

    Are you sure you wanted to do that?
  17. i see what you did there
  18. Irony is not just a river in egypt.
  19. Great pics! Thanks...love them Bros.
  20. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    Whatup dawg. I'm not opposed to a Smiffy thing, but I would let the group come to some sort of consensus. if someone wants to help arrange things, please step up. I can take care the campground fee, maybe spring for food for the kids or something.
  21. this thread is making the sixties look like the fifties.
  22. olyclimber

    Hot Chicks!

    don't these guys post on cc.com?
  23. if these tribes are untouched, then explain their existence. touching had to occur at some point...its not like they were molded from clay.
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